‘Intrusion’ review: Similar to other thrillers but might make you jump in your seat

If you want to avoid a thriller that ends with unanswered subplots and don’t mind extreme predictability, ‘Intrusion’ may satisfy your jump scare cravings.

Jon’s Movie Review: “Desert Dancer” Is Rythmic, But Predictable

Dance has always been a force for expression and storytelling. When done correctly, it can tell stories that would otherwise take hours to verbally describe. Oppressive governments fear the openness of expression dancing and other individualistic art forms provide, and…

11 Awesome Feel Good Movies

11. The Intouchables (2012) Often times, stories about the power of friendship are overwrought, yet this film keeps the perfect balance of the sweet and realistic. After a paragliding accident leaves him a quadriplegic, Philippe hires a young man, Driss,…