9 Things to Remember About Grease on its 40th Anniversary

Happy 40th anniversary to one of the greatest (and most iconic) movie-musicals of all time! Following summer sweethearts Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson, Grease tells the story of how the two find their way back to one another when they…

Movie Review: In a Valley of Violence

Westerns have certainly come roaring back. It’s rather ironic, because they tend to embrace elements that many of us find repugnant (or should anyway). Classic westerns tend to be about the mighty white man who conquers nature, women, villains, and…

Movie Review – ‘Criminal Activities’

Why do we allow John Travolta to play anything other than villains anymore? Even when he’s in terrible movies he’s either electrifying (Dominic Sena’s Swordfish [2001]) or unintentionally hilarious (Roger Christian’s Battlefield Earth [2000]). Perhaps it’s his odd manner of…

Top 10 Back to School Movies

The mornings are getting cooler, Madden Football 2014 is out, and the streets smell like yellow bus gasoline and brown bag sandwiches. Whether we’re looking forward to it, or not, school is back in session. The time we spent sitting…

The Film Canon: Pulp Fiction (1994)

Nearing 20 years after its theatrical release, Pulp Fiction stands as one of the most iconic films of all time. A discussion of great movies often begins at the very mention of Quentin Tarantino’s obscure masterpiece. With such a bizarre…