Doctor Sleep Movie Review: Return to Redrum

The Shining is a uniformly agreed upon classic. It was the combination of the great Stanley Kubrick in the director’s chair, Jack Nicholson in one of his defining roles, and a story written by the horror master Stephen King that…

5 thoughtful sci-fi films to watch after seeing Arrival

This past weekend, Arrival hit theaters worldwide and was met with overall positive criticism. The film deals with the arrival of aliens on Earth and a select group of human scientists and professors who are tasked with figuring out the…

TV Review: True Detective (2×06) “Church in Ruins”

  No show knows how to double down and hit hard quite like True Detective. “Church in Ruins” picks up right where we left off as Ray (Colin Farrell) bangs down the door of Frank (Vince Vaughn) after discovering the…

Out of the Past: “The Killing” (1956)

Before Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and A Clockwork Orange there was The Killing. Stanley Kubrick’s second foray into film noir instantly became a classic and ultimately, Kubrick’s springboard into Hollywood. The story is simple–a group of small-time criminals,…

Top Forgotten Film Homages: Part 1

The reinvention of a famous film sequence, or a film homage, is a extremely delicate art form, so nuanced that the allusion may become altogether lost by a modern audience. Although film homages may be completely unrecognizable at first, a…

The Film Canon: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

In 1964, a film examined the grim possibility of something going very wrong with America’s nuclear program. A group of bombers carrying nuclear weapons are accidentally given the GO-codes to drop their nuclear payload onto the Soviet Union. The President…

The Man Who Never Was: The Paradoxes and Genius of Peter Sellers

“There used to be a me, but I had it surgically removed.”                                                                 – Peter Sellers I remember it distinctly. “Come over I have a movie you gotta see,” my friend said, “It’s really funny.” I went over to his…