Justin Carreiro
431 Articles0 Comments

Justin is a fun-loving twenty-something living in downtown Toronto, Canada. He’s an avid TV buff, movie fan, and gamer. In addition to writing for The Young Folks, he has contributed to Entertainment Weekly's The Community, Virgin, TV Fanatic, FANDOM, and his blog, City Boy Geekiness.

Gotham 4×05 Review: “A Dark Knight: The Blade’s Path”

Is this the end of Ra’s al Ghul? Gotham’s latest episode delivered a lofty twist with the death of the series’s most powerful villain to date. But, as we’ve learned in the past, death is never exactly permanent. (Just ask…

Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers 35×04 Review: “I Don’t Like Having Snakes Around”

Thank you, tribe swaps! It is the gift that keeps on giving. As a diehard Survivor fan, I look forward to these early twists as they, more often than not, shake up the game and deliver a shocking round. This…

Scandal 7×02 Review: “Pressing the Flesh”

“Evil Olivia” got a big dose of karma this week on Scandal. Her actions, which could’ve caused a nuclear war, luckily only resulted in her blackmail schemes blowing up in her face. She’s becoming reckless and it could have dire…

Gotham 4×04 Review: “A Dark Knight: The Demon’s Head”

It was a game of cat and mouse for the fourth week of Gotham. “A Dark Knight: The Demon’s Head” saw us follow Bruce’s journey to keep the knife away from Ra’s al Ghul. But, as we’ve previously learned about…

Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers 35×03 Review: “My Kisses Are Very Private”

A good social game is everything in the game of Survivor. You can be the best in challenges, manipulation or even finding hidden immunity idols, but if you can’t connect with your fellow castaways, it’s essentially a game over. That’s…

Movie Review: The Babysitter

October is the perfect month to binge on horror movies. As an avid horror film watcher, I welcome seeing whatever Hollywood (and the B horror movie community) tries to throw at us next. With Halloween right around the corner, the…

Gotham 4×03 Review: “A Dark Knight: They Who Hide Behind Masks”

“A Dark Knight: They Who Hide Behind Masks” had a lot of build-up, but not much in terms of delivery. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad episode; in fact, I think this is an essential episode to the…