Why ‘The Last Jedi’ is The Smartest ‘Star Wars’ Ever, and Why This Podcast Might Need To End.

Hello and thank you everyone for joining us on our Star Wars journey! We are looking to focus our efforts on new projects, and sadly have to step away from Tosche Sation, or at least keep it on indefinite hiatus. It’s been a lot of fun for us, and we might come back, but if not, then we were sure glad to geek out with all of you over the last two years.

However, we couldn’t leave you hanging on what we actually thought about The Last Jedi! What a better send off for Tosche than an in-depth analyses of the film and an argument as to why it’s perhaps the thought-provoking Star Wars ever made!

So Join me, Alex Suffolk, in one last hoorah as I detail all my opinions and insights from having seen the film a whopping six times. Things like how Rose Tico helps Finn become the hero she sees him as, how Kylo Ren is the most selfish character in all of Star Wars, and how Luke Skywalker’s big moment was perfect. But I also share my musings about how this film breaks the series away from conventions, and why that means maybe rampant theory crafting and lore delving might be hurting our experience of this new trilogy – something this show was certainly guilty of. And then of course, there’s more geeking out over Porgs and BB-8. So tune in at least one more time, and enjoy!

As always, you can find all of our episodes on iTunes! Or if you prefer, you can also find this episode on ShoutEngine. Or you can listen to us right here via Soundcloud!

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May the Force be with you, always.


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