NYCC 2012: Silver Circle and Pasha Roberts

Speaking with Pasha Roberts, the director, producer and creator of Silver Circle, a movie adaptation of a comic book in which the economy crashes in 2019 and the rebels need to fight the Federal Reserve in order to survive.  

“Silver Circle is both an animated movie and a full graphic novel. It’s a really cool story about rebels fighting the Federal Reserve after a heavy economic crash in 2019, so it’s kind of like a classic ‘fighting the man’ kind of story. The rebels are causing him mayhem and there’s an investigator chasing him down, and it turns into a thriller romance, so it gets complicated.

When asked if still producing, he stated, “It’s all animated and we actually shot it about a year and half ago with live actors and that got turned into animation. And we’re nothing like Pixar, we’re just a small little animation studio, a small place trying to make a big movie. It’s turning out really, really well, and it has this shell-shaded look, in kind of like Scanner Darkly (2006), a kind of unique look.

His inspiration? “When the economy crashed in 2008, we thought, ‘Hey, this could be a great idea for a story, and we turned this into a picture.  So we expanded on that and went in a little bit deeper on the cause of all the stuff. We looked a lot of what caused the dollar crashes in Zimbabwe and Argentina, and what life was like under those conditions and we pushed further on it to see what would have happened in the United States. So that’s the basis of the movie- the rebels make their own money, their silver, which is where we got the name for the movie. The silver is the root of their rebellion and the root of how the Federal Reserve needs them- it makes sense in many ways. The comic book is the same story and the same scripts as the film, which was redrawn by a 2D artist who didn’t take the easy way out, by just taking screen grabs from the movie and putting them into the comic book. It’s drawn and reimagined through a different person’s eyes, which I think is really cool. The characters look a little different and have nuances, so it kind of shows a whole different story- but the same story. “

Since the New York Comic Con 2012 was the debut of the comic book, we asked about the release of the film itself. “The comic book is out today, and we sold a bunch of copies already. There’s a black and white and color version- color is more awesome of course [chuckles]- and the movie is completely done now and we’re just working on the finishing details. It looks like January 15th or so that it will be out in theaters, when the holiday movies are over. That’s what it looks like for now, on limited release in about 20 theaters across the country. You can find us at and there’s also a huge Facebook group. It’s a very unique look and you should check out the trailer.”

Don’t forget to check out the trailer here as well as visit the cool interactive website:



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