X-Men: Days of Future Past Cast Announcement

After little over a year of waiting for information from the ever-so vague X-Men: Days of Future Past since the theater release of X-Men: First Class, director Bryan Singer has finally stepped up to bat and leaked a few details (via Twitter) that have most definitely been worth the wait.

After much anticipation, it is safe to say that James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Nicholas Hoult, Jennifer Lawrence, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart will return to feature in the next addition to the X-Men franchise.

The film, which will be based off the 1981 two-issue comic, will focus on a future where mutants are being kept in what can be considered concentration camps and what present day mutants have to do in order to keep the chaos from unfolding. Plenty is up in the air at the moment as to whether the movie will only be loosely based off the comics, as X-Men: First Class was, and if Hugh Jackman will return as Wolverine, in this case.

Bryan Singer’s tweets can be seen here:

I don’t know about you guys but I can’t be anymore stoked about the news! So what are you expecting from Singer next? An announcement about Hugh Jackman and a returning role or a completely new cast member?



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