16 Things We Learned About Life from “A Goofy Movie,” as Told by GIFs

If you recall correctly, when you were younger you watched this precious, underrated gem called A Goofy Movie; the ultimate story about father and son bonding over a poorly planned fishing trip. Now, if you’re anything like me, when you were younger you were always Team Max. However, as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that the movie was getting me prepared for adult life! A Goofy Movie is full of adult themes that are totally relatable to a twenty-something today. After watching the movie again, I’ve developed a new appreciation for parents, family and life in general. Take a look at my brief list of the life lessons I learned from watching A Goofy Movie, as told by GIFs.

1) Parents really don’t get it…

“What do you mean you don’t like this rodent hat?” he said.

2) But they try really hard to make us happy.


3) Family vacations (sometimes) really are the worst.

4) You can make almost anything with canned cheese… including the Leaning Tower of Pisa

“It’s the leaning tower of cheesa!”

5) Bigfoot is out there. He likes steak and The Bee Gees. So if you’re ever attacked, you know what to do.

“Ah ha ha ha ha stayin’ alive, stayin alive!”

6) Family traditions are really important to parents.


The perfect cast.

7) Love can put you in a really good mood…

8) It can also make you feel just as unhappy.


9) Parents can be pretty cool, so we should cut ’em some slack.

10) Parents just want to save us from ourselves.


11) There really is someone for everyone.

12) Don’t be ashamed of your parents.

13) It’s OK for the girl to make the first move…

14) A Goofy Movie has one of the greatest and most underrated soundtracks… Besides Powerline, there’s a Goofy and Max duet. Hello! (Okay, this isn’t an actual life lesson, but you should really appreciate this soundtrack — and movie in general!).

15) You don’t need to have a lot of money and go to lavish places to be happy.

16) Cheese is soooo good, especially from a can!

So there you have it. I bet you’re just itching to go buy some easy cheese in a can right now, right? So, what life lessons have you learned from other animated films? Let us know in the comments!


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