Movie News: ‘X-Men Days of Future Past’: Did Magneto shoot JFK?

n-JFK-MAGNETO-large570As we count down the days for the release of X-Men: Days of Future Past, a new viral video for the movie hits the internet, and this time around is related to the assassination of president John F. Kennedy.

The video description reads as follows:

“Half a century ago, Magneto was implicated in the mutant plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. The events of that fateful day in November have been a point of contention between humans and the mutants ever since.

After years of incarceration, do you think Magneto is guilty or innocent? Tell us why in the comments.

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If this sets any premise for the upcoming movie, it seems that Magneto might have used his powers to have Lee Harvey Oswald shoot the president.

I loved how First Class was able to get involved with current events like the Cuban Missile Crisis, and this time around in Days of Future Past, it seems that JFK’s assassination is a big turning point for humans and mutants. In the comic books, JFK was involved with Project: WideAwake, otherwise known as the creation of the Sentinels.


What do you think about X-Men’s viral campaign? Let us know in the comments!


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