Prometheus Discussion – Join us June 10th on Spreecast!

Hello everyone!

As some of you may know, here at we are HUGE fans of Ridley Scott and cannot wait until PROMETHEUS is released in the US on Friday, June 8th. So, to make things more interactive with our readers, we decided to do a Spreecast in which we will discuss the film!

Please make sure before you join us on Spreecast that you have seen the film! We definitely do not want to spoil it for you :)

What is Spreecast?

Spreecast is the social video platform that lets people broadcast together. So pretty much, you could be anywhere around the world and if you have a webcam you can discuss with us, TheYoungFolks’ Staff, your thoughts about PROMETHEUS as well as with other readers/fans! This is kind of a live cast but instead of just watching YOU get to be a part of it too!


When: June 10th at 3:30pm EST
How Can I Join?: Create an account on and as long as you have a webcam you’ll be able to discuss the film with us!

If you have any questions about the discussion please Tweet us at @TYFofficial 


Hope to see you all on Sunday!


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