Coming Soon: Looper

Bruce Willis is making another time-travel/science fiction movie in which he is to be killed by his younger self. Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the “younger Joe” and Emily Blunt as Sara, this film has been controversial on many message boards because the premise seems, well, Hollywood. Directed and written by Rian Johnson, (whose 2 previous-and only- movies also starred Joseph Gordon-Levitt) the movie seems to be criticized for being a combination of Jumper meeting Twelve Monkeys (with Willis) meeting Wanted. But then again, most time-travel movies tend to have plot holes.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt lives in 2042, where time-travel has not been invented yet, but it has been invented 30 years into the future. He and a few others belong to a special group called “Loopers,” a group of assassins paid by the mob in 2072 who send their targets back in time to be killed. The job pays nice- with gold bars strapped to the backs of the people the Loopers kill, and they can never be caught since in reality, the people they kill don’t exist.

From the looks of it, it seems like a pretty good movie. In fact, Bruce Willis stated to Esquire, “It’s better than anything I’ve ever done. Rian did an amazing thing. He conceived an original story. He wrote it, sold it, stuck with it, directed it and finished it. That’s just tough to do in this town. Someone always weasels into the process. That didn’t happen here. And if he never did anything else except that Herculean effort, he’d have made it in the business. Amazing. It’s more than an original story. It’s a story people are going to talk about, and see twice. And argue about. I was arguing with myself about the story when I read it the first time. That’s all Rian Johnson, beginning to end. Great, great director.”

Personally, I give Willis credit (Levitt basically said the same thing about it being the best movie he ever made). Willis and Levitt have been in numerous movies proven to be amazing, and there is something about this movie that pops out. Besides that, just think about the great directors we have today and what they would have been without their movies. Just think about Mike Nichols without Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? or Quentin Tarantino without Reservoir Dogs. They and countless other directors are famous now through their first few movies- and all they needed is someone there to believe that their story is great.

If you look closely at the UK poster, there’s a series of numbers written on the door, which leads to a site that asks, “Who is the rainmaker?” By clicking on the center of the vault, you can see a picture of Jeff Daniels towering over Levitt, and in the trailer he states that, “this time travel crap just fries your brain like an egg.” We can only assume that he is the rainmaker, but we do know more is coming to the site since the picture is titled “first message.”        

You can watch the trailer here:



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