Top 10 Liam Neeson Films

With A Monster Calls out in theaters this weekend and the jaw-dropping epic Silence releasing next weekend, audiences seem to be loving Liam Neeson. For decades Neeson has been providing powerful performances both physically and vocally that have become instant classics. Let’s take a look back at some of these films that made Liam Neeson into the tall, brooding, Irishman that we all love!

10. Darkman

In the midst of his massive success from the Evil Dead series, director Sam Raimi released Darkman starring Liam Neeson. The film follows a brilliant scientist (played by Neeson) who develops a new synthetic skin before being burned alive by some gangsters and left for dead. Using his new synthetic skin, Neeson’s character becomes the Darkman who can take on the appearance of anyone for 100 minutes. Neeson gives a great anti-hero performance that is both entertaining and fun to watch. Because it was made in 1990 the special effects and massive scope of the films we see today do not really exist in this film. Superhero films today have more to do with the visuals and explosions, this films focuses more on the characters themselves and the more practical action sequences which true filmmakers like Raimi are known for.

9. Michael Collins

If there’s one thing that Liam Neeson is good at, it’s playing a strong Irish man. In 1996’s Michael Collins, Neeson plays Irish revolutionary Michael Collins who was widely known to the Irish people as a hero for his actions. Other actors like Julia Roberts and Aidan Quinn star alongside Neeson. The film is one of the better biopics and shows the harsh conditions that those fighting for their freedom in Ireland were living in. Historical films like this that explores a figure’s story and their personal accomplishments are truly unique. Neeson captured the emotions and strength that the real Collins must’ve possessed to accomplish all that he did. And unlike some biopics where the lead actor has to fake their accent, Neeson had no trouble speaking with the Irish accent that he has always had.


8. Kinsey

In 2004 Neeson starred in Kinsey, a biopic of Professor Alfred Kinsey who was widely known as the pioneer of human sexuality research. Very much like his work in Michael Collins, Neeson takes this real life person and their contribution to history and creates a performance that earned the film numerous award nominations and even a few wins. With the world we live in today and the openness to sexuality we have, this film really explores the feelings that once existed towards the subject. This film has an all-star cast of actors beside Neeson including Laura Linney, Chris O’Donnell, Peter Sarsgaard, John Lithgow and Tim Curry. This role in particular is one of Neeson’s most unique to date. Neeson is typically portraying a rough action hero or a man with incredible skills, in this film he is simply a relatively normal professor with an interest in human nature and the complexities of sexuality.


7. Unknown 

Of all the genres of film that Liam Neeson has explored there is one that he has become known for the most, action. Unknown is exactly what Neeson fans want and crave from him. The film revolves round a man who awakens from a coma after an accident to find that his life and identity have been hijacked and no one seems to know who he is. The film follows Neeson as he works to find out who he is and why this is all happening. This film is by no means the best action movie you will ever see, but it is one of the better Neeson action films in his portfolio.

6. The Grey

In the same year as Unknown, Liam Neeson continued his trend of being a badass with The Grey. The plot is very simple, almost too simple. A group of men are in a plane crash in Alaska and forced to survive with the help of Neeson’s skilled character. The catch is that these men aren’t the only living things in these cold dark woods, there are wolves watching their every move. At first, this movie looked to most audiences and critics as a silly joke and nothing more. But, after its release it became one of Neeson’s coolest performances. Let’s just say that Liam Neeson versus wolves should be considered the eighth wonder of the world.


5. Batman Begins

Of all the Batman films that have been made in the history of filmmaking there were never any that carried the emotions and pain that Batman is supposed to carry with him. Christopher Nolan gave comic book fans what they’ve always wanted with Batman Begins, the first of the now classic trilogy of Batman films. Liam Neeson plays the iconic villain Ra’s Al Ghul, who begins the story as a different character named Ducard who is the one that begins Bruce Wayne’s training. His role in this film was perfect and Neeson played an incredible manipulative villain. In this trilogy with such villains portrayed by Heath Ledger and Tom Hardy, Neeson left just as large of an impact on the series as those who followed him.

4. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

There are some actors that possess a voice that is so strong, recognizable and calming that they become a target for animated characters. Very much like his current role in A Monster Calls, Neeson stole the show as the mighty lion Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The film, which was originally an incredible book series by author C.S. Lewis, follows four siblings who stumble upon a vast new place known as Narnia, which exists in the back of a wardrobe. The film deals with such topics as war, religion, and death in a way that only Disney could. Neeson’s character, Aslan, is the true king of Narnia and oh does his voice fit perfectly!

3. Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace

Every actor has one project that introduces them to a new and much bigger audience that they may have had issues connecting with. For Liam Neeson, Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace was that movie. I know what you’re thinking, The Phantom Menace was overall a pretty bad movie, but this isn’t about that. This is about Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi Master of Obi Wan Kenobi and who discovered the “Chose One” who would become Darth Vader. For every Star Wars fan, for every science fiction fan, and for every movie lover in general, this movie was Liam Neeson’s big push into the world of science fiction and the massive amount of fans that follow it.

2. Taken

Remember when we talked about Liam Neeson being most loved for his action roles? The movie that started this obsession was 2008’s Taken, which led to two sequels and a television show in the works as we speak. The film follows a retired CIA agent who is forced to resort to his old ways when his daughter is kidnapped while on a trip in Europe with her friend. Not only was this a phenomenal action movie, it was also a touching story about how far a father is willing to go to protect their child. The film can be summed up in its most haunting line: “I will find you, and I will kill you.” Although the two sequels that followed this film were not as strong story-wise, they still carry the same pulse-pounding action and fun that Neeson brings to every action movie.

1. Schindler’s List

The travesties that occurred during World War II have been shown in detail in countless films through the years. Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List is one of the finest WWII films that have ever been attempted. It follows the story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who chooses to save 1,100 Jews from the Nazi’s terrible reign after witnessing their atrocities. This film is considered by many to be Liam Neeson’s best performance ever. The film and director Steven Spielberg both won Academy Awards and Neeson was nominated. At over three hours long, this film has become one of the classic films that everyone should see and experience no matter what kind of moviegoer you are.


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