DEFINE Podcast: #OscarsSoWhite in 2017


The Young Folks is proud to present a podcast that hopes to take part in the ongoing discussions on diversity in the film and television industry.

DEFINE: Conversations on Hollywood & Diversity is a monthly podcast hosted by yours truly with special guests Allyson Johnson and Melissa Berne. Our goal with DEFINE is to discuss diversity and fair representation on film and television in-depth. We hope to deconstruct stereotypes, inform audiences and do our part to help make our voices louder, so our demands can be heard and seriously considered. We want to encourage audiences to seek out better examples of representation, while also joining us in our fight for equality on-screen, as well as off-screen.

This week, the Academy of Motion Pictures Art and Science announced their nominees for the 89th annual Oscars. You can view the complete list of nominees here.

After last year’s viral outcry over the Academy’s lack of diverse nominees, it’s apparent with this year’s nominees that strides were made to recognize films featuring stories of people of color. However, while we recognize this, we also believe that Hollywood and the Academy still have a long way to go in recognizing diversity in ALL forms.

We also touch base on recent diversity news with our segments. This includes the “TYF Spectrum Award,” where we each name an individual/studio who made a huge stride recently when it comes to inclusion and fair representation, and “SUPPORT THESE ARTISTS,” our chance to close out the show with recommendations of shows or movies that showcase diverse and inclusive values.

Listen to the episode below.

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We are now on Twitter! Follow @DEFINEPodcast.

Next month, we will be tackling interracial romance seen in films and television. We’ll discuss the new films, like A United Kingdom and Loving, as well as TV and older films. If you have any recommendations to share, please tweet them to @DEFINEPodcast Thanks for listening!


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