This is Pop? Podcast Episode 5: Soda Stereo

Soda Stereo are one of the most important groups in the history of Latin American rock music, selling millions of albums and influencing countless bands as their sound evolved drastically over the course of their career. However, they remain somewhat unknown in the United States and Canada, particularly with English speaking rock fans that are sure to fall in love with the band’s mix of new wave, shoegazing, alternative rock and psychedelia if given the chance.

For the fifth episode of TYF’s music podcast This is Pop? , I was joined by Leonel Manzanares, one of the newest additions to our site’s staff, to discuss Soda Stereo’s career and legacy.

You can listen to (and download) this episode of TYF’s This is Pop? Podcast below via Soundcloud.

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Past installments of This is Pop? Podcast are available here. We are also now available on iTunes, PocketCast and Shoutcast!


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