Interview: Adrian Daniel

Adrian Daniel is a Brooklyn native and a songwriter who has a smooth R&B and Hip-Hop sound. I had the opportunity to chat with him about his new music, the Brooklyn scene and who has better pizza, New York or Chicago.

TYF: I read in past interviews that you weren’t immediately a singer/songwriter. What were you doing before then?
Adrian Daniel: I was a dancer and dance teacher. That’s all I did every day was dance. I was in several dance companies and I taught at several schools including high school and middle school. I was making a really great living at 18.

TYF: What got you into music?
Daniel: I was always into music, my brother actually was the one who pushed me to make music. I never thought that I would be making songs right now.

TYF: Being a Brooklyn native, has Brooklyn’s environment and music scene influenced your music?
Daniel: Of course, my music is so Brooklyn. When you listen to my music you never know what you are going to get. It’s like walking around Brooklyn you never know what you will see.

TYF: Can you tell us what some of your favorite places in Brooklyn are that has inspired your music?
Daniel: One of my favorite places in Brooklyn is the Botanical Garden. It’s so peaceful there. I would go there and meditate sometimes. Honestly, I write my songs while walking through Brooklyn. It’s so many stories on those streets.

TYF: I heard that you’re currently putting together a new album. What’s your creative process like?
Daniel: My creative process is random but what I can say is that I know what my songs are going to sound like before I even hit record.

TYF: What can fans look forward to hearing on the new album?
Daniel: Expect the unexpected.

TYF: If you could collab with anyone on this new album, who would it be and why?
Daniel: Frank Ocean and Bruno Mars. Just cause they are my favorite artist at the moment.


TYF: Has any other musicians or artists inspired you throughout your music career?
Daniel: I strive to be as great as Michael Jackson. I just want to be flawlessly great at my craft like he was.

TYF: What are some of your favorite songs that you are currently listening to?
Daniel: This City, Open Up, Havoc by Adrian Daniel

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TYF: For other artists who are trying to break into the music scene, what advice would you give them?
Daniel: Never stop trying to get better. If you think you are good at something then be better be the best you can be at what you do.


TYF: Lastly, I’m a pizza enthusiast so I have to know – who has better pizza, New York or Chicago?
Daniel: Haha this question is a trap. Of course, I gotta say Brooklyn (I love you Chicago lol)


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