Music Interview: Jenny March

LA based pop artist Jenny March is aiming to march right into your hearts. (Sorry, we had to!) Her debut single “California Daze” pays homage to not only California but complicated love. The actress turned songstress definitely stepped out with her best foot or voice forward. “California Daze” is just the right song you need to tune into when you’re deep into your HIIT workout or something to add onto your summer 2018 playlist. And, this is just the beginning for her! Later this year she’ll be debuting her first ever EP but until then, we sat down with March to chat about her path as a songstress, her latest single, and what she hopes to eventually accomplish!

The Young Folks: Before you were a singer, you were an actress. When did you realize you wanted to pursue a career in songwriting and singing?
Jenny March: I’ve been singing my entire life and I always knew I loved it just as much as acting, if not more. I just had an opportunity with acting first, so I took it and moved to Los Angeles. Once I got to Los Angeles, I realized I could pursue a career in singing and songwriting, as well as acting.

The Young Folks: How were you introduced to the songwriting? Have you written a few songs in the past or did everything sort of come naturally for you?
March: I wrote when I was younger, but not full length songs. I would just write down how I was feeling in my notebook and I’d write poems. I started writing songs more consistently when I started working with producers and going to writing sessions after I moved to Los Angeles.

The Young Folks: With your new song “California Daze”, what was the writing process for that one and how did you know when you were officially done with it? Why did you choose this one as your first song to release to your audience?
March: “California Daze” was the first song I worked on when I started working with Tony Rodini, who produced my entire EP Album. Tony started making a random beat and I liked it so I started to sing some melodies over it and then the lyrics kind of just came. I think we wrote it in 2 days and recorded a demo in his studio.  We recorded the final version later at a different studio.  I chose this song to release first because it was about first love experiences and how we mature into adults, and I want to be a voice for the youth.

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The Young Folks: Did you ever envision “California Daze” anything other than a Pop genre type of song? Is there another genre you wish to try and work with?
March: I think it’s definitely a fun Pop song. I love and respect a lot of different genres, so I would love to collaborate with an artist in another genre other than Pop.

The Young Folks: What was it like for you the moment you released “California Daze” to everyone for the first time? Where were you or what were you doing at that exact moment?
March: It was so surreal to have it finally released. It still doesn’t feel real that there are people who are listening to my song right now. To celebrate, my friends and I went out and they surprised me by having the place we were at to play my song and I just wanted to cry. I had way too much fun and I’m so thankful that I have such supportive friends.

The Young Folks: I read that you have a seven track EP coming out real soon. What was it like to put that together and when can we expect to hear it?
March: I do, yes! It will come out sometime this year. It was an amazing experience and I had so much fun with everyone who worked on the EP with me.


The Young Folks: How do you envision your work balance between acting and singing? Will you be focusing more on music now or will your time be evenly split?
March: I’ve been focusing more on music the past few months because of my single release and preparing for my EP, but I’m definitely not backing away from acting.

The Young Folks: Whether it be acting or singing, what are your biggest goals you want to accomplish?
March: I just want to make an impact on and be a positive influence in people’s lives. I would love to do a feature film and be able to travel the world performing my songs at big arenas one day.

STAY CONNECTED WITH JENNY MARCH: Official Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook



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