Music Interview: Stay Over lets you know you’re not alone

“I wish I felt / Like someone else sometimes / Wish I was dealt /Different cards than the ones I have / But I’ve been lucky” 

Those are just some of the 100% relatable lyrics from Stay Over’s latest single, which he recently dropped a music video for. Not one to stray around from his mental health struggles, Stay Over continues to fight the stigma by creating vulnerable and honest conversations in lyrical form. His previous song, “Happy,” is a message to every listener that it’s okay to not always be what the world wants you to be/socially acceptable. 

“By being honest, I think we can all open each other up. When we’re open, we see things differently. We see things as love and light,” he says. We’re spreading all the love and light his way. Check out our interview to see how he’s been doing lately and his message for those who feel alone.  

The Young Folks: I always love to first ask everyone, how are you doing, really? Especially right now during this crazy time we’re in?
Stay Over: To be honest, right now, I’m not feeling too good. It comes in waves. I have some days filled with energy and love. And some days, I just feel off. Today is one of those days. Gotta be honest. 

TYF: Your music is so relatable, I vibed with every single song you’ve released so far. Before we get into that, can you tell us a bit about how you got your start in the music industry and realized this is a career you want to pursue?
SO: Thank you for saying that. I started writing poetry in middle school and then started rapping in high school, and then, by the time I was about to graduate, I started doing shows. That’s when I knew I was going to do music full time. 

TYF: Your songs are a lot about conversations we have with ourselves. I’m very curious to know your thoughts on the stigma behind mental health?
SO: Yeah, basically, my mental health has always been an issue, and I used to not be aware of it, but over the past couple of years, I’ve been trying to make changes for the better. A lot of people are being more open about their mental health, which is cool. Personally, everyone in my life knows that my head is fucked up. I wish I was normal. But it’s like that. 

TYF: When did you realize that talking openly about mental health is something completely normal that everyone should and needs to embrace?
SO: I had to. For me. To feel freer. And honest. It was more difficult to keep it all in. And the more I’m open about it, the more other people feel open up about it. I do feel judged though sometimes. It’s a lot for someone so close to me to constantly have to deal with my ups and downs. I’ve been talking to a therapist for a few months, and it’s been helpful. It’s been painful having to come to conclusions about myself that I haven’t wanted to face for years. But it’s all part of growing. I’ll figure it out one day. And so will everyone else. With time. With effort. With some love. 

TYF: Your songs, while they’re talking about mental health, come off as super catchy. Was that intentional?
SO: Yeah, def. I want them to be digestible. I didn’t want the music to sound preachy. I want to deliver the music in a way that can be enjoyed. And not feel so heavy. That way, some people can passively listen to the music without feeling like they’re being lectured on mental health. And for the kids that need to hear these lyrics, I got them covered. 


TYF: Loved the music video to “IDKATL” along with all your other music videos. How do you come up with each of these concepts?
SO: I’ve always wanted to try and make my music videos look like a movie. Usually, I have some sort of idea, and then a director will riff off of it to throw out a plan, and then I go off of that one, lol. I have an idea in my head of how I want things to feel for the visuals. Usually, the people closest to me help come up with the ideas.

TYF: What’s something you’d like to say to someone who’s reading this right now and feeling pretty down and alone?
SO: What you’re feeling right now isn’t permanent. It’ll pass. It gets better. We keep figuring things out, and we keep trying—no other choice. You are loved, and you should be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come. I believe in you. Fureal <3

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