10 Best Horror Films Directed By Women

Like most of the film genres, horror has usually been a male playing field. We have the horror visionaries such as John Carpenter and Wes Craven but no woman to add to that list. Sadly, the recurring pattern seems to…

10 Women Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

The release of Hidden Figures, which tells the untold story of the African-American women who literally helped NASA put men on the moon, gets me thinking. Namely, about the countless number of women who also achieved great things, but nevertheless haven’t…

TYF’s Best Films of 2016

Yesterday you got to see the outcome of our polled best films of 2016. Today, check out below our staffs individual lists for the best films of 2016. We’re all across the spectrum here, from Deadpool to Toni Erdmann and each individual list is…

10 Films that Revised the Western

Hell or High Water is shaping up to become one of the most notable modern examples of the revisioned western. To mark its release I’m going to be talking about a subgenre of one of the most celebrated traditions of American…

Directed By Women: Join the Event Going Until September 15th 2015

I’m as big of a feminist as I am a fan of films, both of which are definitive parts of my personality. This year, due to the influence of some fantastic blogs and my own personal annoyance at the male…

Women In Film Wednesday: March Madness

So since I missed two weeks (I’m the worst) I thought instead of choosing one film I’d talk about the ones I saw in March that were directed by women and where you can find them. Some of these films…

Women in Film Wednesday: Run and Jump (2013)

About two years ago, I was able to interview the principle cast and the director Steph Green of the film Run and Jump at the Tribeca Film Festival. Due to some surreal travel experiences that year and some short notice scheduling conflicts…