For once, the entire episode of Snowfall, mostly, focused on one character. The storyline seemed to move more smoothly and actually have a focus when they’re not jumping from one character arc to another.
Franklin was the main focus of “Cracking,” with short cameos from Teddy and Gustavo in the beginning and end of the episode. It was nice to finally watch Franklin’s motives play out without the quick interjections from Teddy and Gustavo’s storyline. We were able to keep our focus solely on Franklin’s journey, and in “Cracking,” it was one we needed to stay focused on.
Franklin ultimately made moves this episode during a “work road trip” with Kevin and Leon. Kevin has a cousin in Oakland who could be a new buyer for the trio, but in the end, Franklin wasn’t feeling the party-until-we-almost-die atmosphere and left Kevin and Leon to have fun on their own accounts.
The sequence showed how mature Franklin is compared to his friends who just want to get high and be rich. For Franklin, this was a business deal and not a fun field trip. But for someone who is so serious, he seriously needs a new job, especially since he can’t seem to learn from his mistakes.

When Franklin wanders off on his own, he finds himself at an old Black Panthers office where his father used to visit regularly. This was an interesting flashback: having the opportunity to see the inner workings of the Black Panthers through the eyes of a young child, especially when it’s a child looking up to his father.
In the abandoned office, Franklin meets a woman who is obviously high. Franklin persuades her to take him to her dealer where he meets Swim. This sequence proved that Franklin definitely works better when he works alone. Everyone he’s come in contact with, sans Kevin and Leon, actually sees that Franklin is genuine in his actions. Yes, it is always good for Franklin to have backup, but when the backup is trying to get high off the supply, what good are they?
Swim takes a liking to Franklin and after some persuading and sucking up, Swim shows Franklin the factory, of sorts, where the product is made. This makes you wonder, is Franklin trying to go into business for himself? The coke is almost just as good as the stuff he sells for Avi, but it’s just as cheap as the weed in his neighborhood. By learning how to make this cocaine, Franklin could easily own the streets of LA.
When he finally reunites with Kevin and Leon in the morning, he shows them the product from Swim and informs them that it is their future.
It took six episodes after the premiere to finally keep my interest for the entire one hour. If the rest of Snowfall’s premiere season follows the speed and focus of “Cracking,” then it’s expected to be engaging. Especially now that Franklin seems to become more aware within his role.