STAR 3×02 Review: “Who’s the Daddy”

Take 3 is back in action on STAR! All it took was the common goal of shoving it in the faces of naysayers to unite these feuding superstars. STAR’s season three premiere left us crossing our fingers for the group’s potential reconciliation, but “Who’s the Daddy” helped to mend some of those fences. The drama wasn’t completely buried since there was still underlying friction between Alex, Star, and Simone. However, the second episode got them in a much better spot to start trusting each other.

Out of the three members, the biggest friction stood between Star and Simone. Let’s face it, Simone can hold the biggest grudge. At her pettiest level, Star could’ve been in a burning house and Simone would blame it on Star’s pants catching on fire from lying too much. Every little word and expression she gave her sister was one dig after another. She even went so far as to comment on her mothering ability and it was peak petty. This new nasty side of Simone was intriguing to watch because she kept going for the jugular without remorse. Simone is not playing around during STAR season three.

Having them bury the hatchet (or at least agree to work towards that) brought on all the emotions. Star loves Simone, and vice versa; they don’t want to hurt each other. Seeing them slowly admit they missed each other while giving their reluctant apologies was the best we could get at this point in time. There’s still tension, but now they can work on moving past it.

This move captured Simone’s overarching theme during “Who’s the Daddy.” Simone was finally admitting what she wanted in life and she was going for it. We called it during last week’s review that she didn’t want to work on her marriage with Angel anymore, so it wasn’t surprising when she asked for a divorce. Every video message they had together had an underlying tone of sadness and grief. Both of them are better off not together. Now, she can focus on her budding film career and the drama that might arise working closely with Nina Ferrera.

Wilford Harewood/FOX

Also, major claps for Simone for when she made a case to Mateo and Nina about hiring her for the film. That took a lot of guts to take charge of her career! She might only be 18 years old, but she knows what she wants and she doesn’t want to be the forgotten member of Take 3. If Mateo and Nina do hire her, this movie could be her big break. What if she becomes the new breakout star of Gravity Records? Drama!

Alex let her heart take the wheel as she dealt with her Bianca grief and Ruby’s assault. Bianca’s death seemed like the obvious conclusion since Alex kept reacting terribly to the flashbacks. However, her being pulled from the plane crash before Bianca wasn’t her fault; she couldn’t control the service crew who saved her. All she could do was try to move past it.

Ruby had the most heartbreaking plot. How could you not feel her pain and suffering? Juanita Jennings did an incredible job channeling the fear and emotions when she told Derek that she couldn’t feel safe in her home again. You could see all her inner walls crumbling down–this moment forever changed the character. One of the best moments of the second episode was seeing Alex and Ruby waiting for a rape kit at the hospital. While the scene overall tackled a tough subject, their relationship grew stronger because of it. Ruby will always know going forward that Alex has her back and will be there for her.

Star’s troubles were one issue after another. Even though Simone was being a royal Petty Betty, the social media fans and gossip sites were even worse and that press conference totally blew up in her face. Star needed to learn to not let her emotions take control. She won’t be the ultimate superstar performer she could be if she continues to trash talk trolls or puke on her boss. Still, Mateo deserved every drop that was coming to him. I was waiting for her to channel Veronica Sawyer from Heathers and say, “Lick it up, baby! Lick. It. Up.”


Did you accurately guess the father of Star’s baby? If it wasn’t Noah, it had to be Jax. Noah looked heartbroken that he wasn’t the father. Deep down, he was probably looking forward to creating a family and being a dad even though he has his own daddy issues to deal with. Jax, on the other hand, smiled when Star brought the ultrasound photo, so that couple could be back on again. Their reunion wouldn’t be the worst thing–they were cute together during STAR’s second season.

Wilford Harewood/FOX

Speaking of Noah, he definitely should not be going into business with Maurice and Cassie. That entire music venue deal is only going to hurt him in the long-run. Anyone who got involved with Cassie ended up worse than they originally started–just look at Andy! (Seriously, how stupid was he for coming back to town? Cassie is going to kill him if she finds him.) He needs to get out of the deal before it’s too late.

Carlotta might be the only one to stop them, but she’s dealing with her own troubles. Between her business battles with Mateo and Cotton searching for Jahil’s killer, she has too much on her plate. Firstly, she needs to start working WITH Mateo instead of against him. He owns the Gravity business and if she keeps undermining him, he and Nina could do something rash that affects her artists and her talking to Jahil’s spirit could be something used against her if they find out. We love Carlotta, but her ego is working against her.

“Who’s the Daddy” definitely answered some questions that were set up in STAR’s season three premiere. The ladies are back on track for Take 3’s success, but the Gravity Records business could become more volatile. A power struggle is coming, but who will be the winner(s) on top?


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