“A Wound That May Never Heal” is the beginning of the loop being closed on Dynasty. After two seasons of infighting and self-sabotage, the characters finally took a step back to assess their situations and pinpoint the cause of all their woes. This was growth. This was a welcome sight to see from our beloved soapy characters. Sure, they’re heading back to Dynasty season one topics, but they need this retread to heal themselves and grow as people. Even with a few bumpy spots, this episode was a great chapter overall.
Blake’s sudden need to be on top again stems from feeling powerless. Being subjected to a court trial that nearly put him away for life highlighted how the character became a shell of his former self. This weak and victim-like Blake is not the same character who once ran Carrington Atlantic. And every failed business venture since then (his vineyard, the sports team, etc.) reinforced his growing inferiority complex; he wasn’t the leader or success he once was.
The nightmare sequences were a great touch because it gave us an in-depth look into his mindset and provided context for his urgency to claim the world. To anyone on the outside, his rush to buy every business and start the cruise line could look like a desperate cry for help. But, this was Blake returning to be the egotistical Blake he once was. The selfish, power-hungry, stubborn businessman who put himself and his skewed view of the world above anyone else.

One of the first clear signs of that change was his flippant disregard for challenging Fallon for streaming rights. Come on, he did it as a petty move against her! Fallon has spent years (and I mean YEARS!) working hard in business to show Blake that she is worthy and capable. When he stated that it was time for her to “work for something,” my face nearly cracked from confusion. Did he completely forget all the work she did for Carrington Atlantic, her publishing business, the club, and every venture she helped? Fallon has done the work. Blake is equally at fault for all the troubles between him and his daughter; a perfect example of when he could’ve left it alone, but he started the drama.
In Fallon’s case, I’m glad that she’s giving up the ghost that is Blake Carrington. Her need to prove to Blake that she’s a powerful force in business has only ever sabotaged her and brought her down. “A Wound That May Never Heal” showcased one such example where her excessive need to be better than Blake led her to get too involved and nearly destroyed her streaming service. Fallon has to stick to her guns and refuse to fall into Blake’s trap yet again. Focusing on herself will be the most successful avenue for her. She’s Fallon Carrington, she doesn’t need validation from anyone to know that she has it in her.
Side-note: Fallon has a streaming service?! The business portfolios for these characters keep growing and growing to baffling proportions. Their dynasty will eventually control the world and no one will ever know it.
Are you sad that Fletcher and Sam are over? It’s a shame that we won’t see Fletcher again in all his glory, but their “relationship” had issues to it that they couldn’t avoid. For starters, Sam always treated Fletcher’s PR career as a little side project that didn’t compare to any of his whims or scheming. Secondly, the pair took a long time to be honest with one another and finally, Sam went to great lengths to avoid making any kind of commitment. Sure, some people aren’t ready to call someone their boyfriend, but Sam actively refused and avoided the topic. Regardless of Sam’s final actions with the flowers, he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. Fletcher is better off being with someone who knows what they want and can be on the same page with him, but Sam isn’t that guy.
On the flip side, it’s exciting to see Adam and Kirby begin a potential romance. In the original Dynasty, the characters of Adam and Kirby had an on-again/off-again relationship that caused plenty of drama and sweet times. From the way they looked at each other, the current iterations are interested in one another. Plus, both Adam and Kirby are a tad unpredictable, so anything could happen in their romance. More drama? Yes, please!

Cristal’s drama, on the other hand, has reached torrential levels of fury. This is the type of revenge that is welcomed! No matter the amount of meditation and healing she could do, Cristal’s inner fire burned through to seek justice for her loss. Alexis should be scared because this isn’t the same subdued Cristal who would find a way to make peace. Those olive branches have been rejected and burned. Cristal is going to play fire with fire, and she’ll need that energy as the battle for Carrington Atlantic begins.
The drama for Carrington Atlantic is a breath of fresh air compared to many of the businesses that came beforehand. The company is the original battleground for the Carrington’s dynasty, so it’s nice to come back to what started it all. Alexis and Jeff forming their team will come in handy as they seize control of the business and strike against Blake. But, Adam will regret making that videotape of his confession; that evidence will no doubt come back to haunt him as people start turning on each other. The play for Carrington Atlantic could be the start of more soapy chaos to come and I’m ready for it.