‘PRETTY LITTLE LIARS’ Finale: No Answers, More Questions

The Spring finale for Pretty Little Liars aired last night, and surprisingly I was 1. at home and had nothing to do and 2. I was actually up-to-date with the episodes. And to be honest, I was curious about how the finale would turn out. Well… it didn’t really turn out as I expected. In fact, it left me even more confused and a bit irritated.

For those who haven’t heard or watched the show, the story revolves around these four teenage girls and the murder of their best friend Allison. Who murdered her is a mystery, and the girls get these creepy texts and emails from a person named “A.” Throughout the season, they try to figure out who A is and who the murder is, all the while dealing with typical teenage drama (that really isn’t even typical at all).

[PLEASE NOTE] The rest of the review is full of SPOILERS. Stop now if you don’t want to know what happens. (If you don’t care, keep on reading!)

So here I was thinking that this episode will reveal the murderer, who A is, etc. Yeah, no.  It doesn’t really. Who killed Allison? I DON’T KNOW! Presumably, it was Ian, but did he admit to it before someone hooded person pushed him down the bell tower to his “death?” And what was up with his body disappearing? Apparently, A must have taken him off somewhere.  First, A saves Spencer’s life, but then makes the whole town think her and her friends are liars.

Obviously, this finale leaves the audience with a ton of questions. But I’m more irritated with it than eager to hear more. Successful finale cliffhangers need a little give and take. Give something (like definite answers) to the audience, something to make them feel satisfied. Feed their curiosity a bit. Then, you can whip the cliffhanger in their face. Leave them satisfied but wanting more. That’s all. This finale failed to do that; I’m pretty sure I might give up on this show.


To focus on other parts of the episode, besides the end, Mr. Fitz is no longer Aria’s teacher. Yay! But he’s now a college professor, working alongside his ex-fiancé. Nay! Herman, being a true gentleman, drives Caleb back to town, so expect him to be back in Hanna’s life next season.  The nice cop, who has been following the girls around, is shacking up with the Jenna, the blind girl. Shocker.

Overall, I’m really disappointed in this finale. I know not to expect Emmy Award material, but if you can’t even enjoy it as a guilty pleasure anymore, why bother?

What did you think of the Pretty Little Liars finale?



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