Nancy Drew 1×16 Review: “The Haunting of Nancy Drew” reveals who killed Lucy Sable!

Nick and George flirt on Nancy Drew

Kailey Schwerman/The CW

What a twist! Did anyone see that coming?! Nancy Drew threw us all for a loop by delivering one of the most shocking twists yet. There was no lead time or obvious hints that prepared us for something like this to happen. And yet, it all works based on the narrative that the Lucy Sable mystery has created up until this point. Lucy’s strange obsession with Nancy finally makes sense – she has a connection that brings it all back to the early days of the Ryan and Lucy romance. This is one of the most jaw-dropping moments of the season yet.

Nancy being revealed as Lucy Sable and Ryan Hudson’s daughter fills the hole of the reason why Lucy was targeted by the Hudsons. Sure, the Hudsons looked down on Lucy for dating their elite son and Lucy knowing about Celia Hudson’s affair. However, at the end of the day, she was in a high school relationship with Ryan. Chances are they wouldn’t have survived once they went to college and so forth. But, for her to be secretly pregnant with Ryan’s child would be enough of a reason for why the Hudsons went out of their way to destroy her life with no remorse. They drove her over the line with their actions because they wanted her to get rid of the secret. That’s a whole other level of evil and duplicity.

The reveal connected the questionable pieces of the case, like why Everett Hudson sent that fake email to Lucy, and how the Drews played a part in the case. As both Nancy and Carson spelled out the different layers of the mystery, they easily squashed any question that popped up in my mind. (One of them was how Carson got a hold of the bloody sea queen dress, but he had an answer for that too.) Nancy Drew seamlessly connected all the pieces together into a thought-out conclusion that made sense.

The only question that’s up in the air for me is the Karen part. Why didn’t Lucy tell her best friend that she was pregnant? They were so close, but Lucy kept that a big secret from her. And it wasn’t like she hid it well; the sea queen dress didn’t seem like it hid the fact that she was pregnant. Did Karen know all along? She couldn’t have known or else that piece of information would’ve spread around town and Karen wouldn’t have worked with Josh to try to kill Ryan because, for all she knew, Lucy died while pregnant since no child was found.

“The Haunting of Nancy Drew” changed up the dynamic between Nancy and the ghost of Lucy. For what seems like the first time, Lucy actually provided Nancy with a clear direction for the case and the missing pieces of how/why she died. Lucy could’ve been much more open with the information, but that probably stemmed from the regret of taking her own life (or dying by accident?). Even the scene of Nancy and Ryan searching Lucy’s old house to find the journal had conflicting motivations from Lucy. Why did she try to stop them from finding the truth? Didn’t she help them before with clues about how and why she died? Lucy is a complex poltergeist who doesn’t know what she wants. Hopefully, she’ll find peace now that the truth is revealed.

Since we’re more than halfway through Nancy Drew Season 1 and both murder mysteries are solved, there has to be more to the story. Could the focus possibly shift to the Hudsons trying to silence Nancy with the truth? Or, could there be an even more sinister reveal about the pregnancy/death that hasn’t been revealed yet? Anything is possible when we’re up against a scheming family like the Hudsons. And we still have to deal with the awkward moment when Ryan finds out he is Nancy’s father.

The #DrewCrew performing a makeshift autopsy in The Claw was a hilarious scene. Their bumbling approach toward dealing with the dead body felt like all they needed was the upbeat music from a Monty Python skit. They were completely unprepared to deal with handling Lucy’s skeleton. Plus, when you add in the foil of Detective Tamura snooping around the diner looking for evidence, there came many fun moments of the crew freaking out, like Bess shrieking every time Lucy’s bones appeared or Ace helping with an autopsy in a freezer.

The detective absolutely suspects something is going on at the diner. He’s going to keep snooping around until he finds out the truth about the group and why they had a piece of a skull. Unless, of course, he’s working for someone like Everett Hudson. Just imagine if he’s working to silence everyone from finding the truth about the pregnancy – that would be an interesting conclusion to this case.


George and Nick finally kissed! Bess kept throwing out many red-herrings to drive the pair apart; it almost seemed like Nancy Drew was putting an end to this romance. However, they kissed and they’re taking this romance slow! I’m glad they’re not rushing into the romance so quickly – they need time to develop and get comfortable with each other. They have the chemistry and the fire, but there is more to a romance than just that.

“The Haunting of Nancy Drew” put an end to the biggest mystery of the season in a thrilling and jaw-dropping fashion. Many of our theories about who killed Lucy turned out to be wrong, but the true answer was more shocking than we all realized. This is how to deliver a twist! Now, how Nancy Drew progresses without the safety net of a murder-mystery will determine the strength and longevity of the series. Let’s hope they can keep the momentum going before the next mystery kicks in.


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