Bertram Bobbsey couldn’t keep it together on “The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter.” Nancy Drew’s resident petty criminal and master thief fell under the weight of his crimes. If he had just stuck to the straight and narrow after being released from prison earlier, he would’ve avoided heading back there. Continuing his criminal games only spelled more trouble for him in Horseshoe Bay. His capture closed the book on the Bobbsey storyline and set Ace up nicely for future plots to come (let’s go #Nace fans!). “The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter” was a good episode to get the show back on track.
Ace’s treatment at the police station proved yet again why the people of Horseshoe Bay would rather turn to Nancy and the Drew Crew instead of the police. Did they not think lying to Ace about his immunity deal wouldn’t blow back on them? Carson should’ve threatened legal action right away; what the police did with their shady tactics was entrapment. Withholding Ace’s deal after promising him immunity would’ve caused the entire case to be thrown out, and it would’ve negatively affected the case against Bertram Bobbsey without a star witness—a very sloppy move from the Horseshoe Bay police department.
Amanda Bobbsey’s actions were no better. Sure, she tried to convince her dad to turn himself in, but it was clear that he had no plans ever to do so. She and Gil knew him better than anyone else, so she should’ve known that he wouldn’t have done the right thing, especially after his actions got Ace into trouble. Plus, Amanda withheld that she knew where her father was when Ace desperately needed to find him. Amanda may have been used, but she omitted and risked her boyfriend’s life on a possibility, and let’s face it, she would’ve helped her dad escape police custody. She can act like the victim and break up with Ace, but she plays her part in their messy end.
It’s great that Ace can walk away from the situation in a stronger place. Moving out of his parent’s house was the right call as it was time for him to grow out of the past. And, he can slowly start to end the tension between him and his dad. There was some hope for them to bury the hatchet, but I’m still in the camp that his dad was the one to blame for all his lies. Ace can’t fix that mess on his own.

For George and Bess, their issues could’ve easily been solved had they communicated earlier. Bess needs to call Addy and be open about what she wants in a relationship. Her hoping that it’ll all work out on its own won’t help her if she wants to be with her in the long run. On the other hand, George made the right move by being honest with Nick. We’ve discussed in past reviews that Nick and George need to be open with each other about their issues and wants. She needed to tell Nick about her fears and what was happening in her life. Now that she’s done that, it was a breath of fresh air to have her break down her walls and move her character development forward.
Will George find the soul-splitter? George living a long life hinges on finding the ancient relic, so there’s no telling how Nancy Drew will play out this part. Hopefully, the Drew Crew finds the missing tool. George has developed into one of the strongest and sympathetic characters in the series. It would be a shame for the show to end one day, knowing that her fate would wrap up in death in less than 10 years. Something needs to be done to free her from Odette’s soul.
The overarching mystery of The Frozen Heart Killer posed many more questions and layers to the case. Why did Hannah open the prison? Why is the demon obsessed with the doll? How does the demon choose their victims? There’s something ominous and intriguing about a mysterious villain that doesn’t have a clear rhyme or reason for their actions. Potentially the demon could be a puppet for someone controlling them to kill people in Horseshoe Bay—it wouldn’t be the first time that a more malevolent force was behind a crime. And we all thought Hannah was a friend of the Drew Crew, so there could be more to the story and her shadiness.
At least we had more time for Ryan and Nancy bonding during investigations. He might be a new member (or an ally) of the Drew Crew, but he’s learning how to play the game quickly. It’s fun having Ryan pop in on some cases now and then. His shenanigans and uneasiness felt like when the Drew Crew started tackling paranormal cases in the first season; they were unprepared for ghosts, and their reactions were hilariously genuine. Ryan doing anything to spend time with his daughter, even going so far as to help with scary cases, was a step in the right direction for his character.
“The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter” set the Drew Crew up for the next chapter of the overarching mystery while pushing their developments further on a personal level. We said farewell to some complicated characters and introduced new sides of familiar faces. Plus, the horror elements were top-notch! Overall, a fun episode that had its moments and played an important part in the mystery.
Nancy Drew airs Fridays at 9 p.m. EST and streams the next day on