‘The D’Amelio Show’ 2×05-06 review: Despite the interpersonal drama, the show still lacks depth

The D'Amelio Show -- "Something’s Off" - Episode 206 -- Charli gets a lead role in a horror movie, while still working on her secret music project. Dixie and Noah make big decisions about the future of their relationship. Heidi worries about her family being pulled apart as she faces a tragic loss. Charli, shown. (Courtesy of Hulu)

Last week on The D’Amelio Show, we saw Dixie dive into her breakup with Noah and the D’Amelio sisters moving in together. This week we’re hit with some bigger emotional rollercoasters.

The D’Amelio Show takes a trip to Connecticut, which brings up some emotions for the entire family. Heidi struggles with an empty nest, keeping Charli’s music from Dixie, and her mother’s declining health. Charli’s hometown dance studio brings up memories of her struggles with eating disorders, and she gets cast as the lead in a new horror movie. Dixie’s album is getting closer to being done, and she and Noah have a heart-to-heart about what they need from their relationship.

At the end of Episode 6, we’re left on a bit of a cliffhanger when Dixie senses something’s off with Charli, hinting that the bombshell of Charli’s new single might be about to hit. We’re also left with plenty of sympathies for Heidi, who is just about to get on a flight to see her mother and mentions the possibility of a funeral in the very near future.

These two episodes packed a punch. There was certainly much more to unpack than in the previous episodes. In particular, the deep dive into Charli’s history with an emotionally/verbally abusive dance coach hit home. It’s extremely common for young girls to be body shamed and pushed into unhealthy habits. It also puts some of the trolling messages online into a new perspective by looking at Charli’s history. There’s a trauma pattern there that deserves to be handled with care by the internet and press.

It’s frustrating that only when Heidi’s emotional stability is pulled into question do we see the toll of Hollywood life on her. It becomes abundantly clear that she’s feeling a lot of pressure on her shoulders, concern for her daughters, and guilt for distance from her family. It’s much easier to see that The D’Amelio Show’s isolation from exterior factors has played a role in making the show so bland.

Not to say that The D’Amelio Show needs more deaths in the family, but there is something about how this tragedy has expanded the show’s world that feels more intriguing to watch. Perhaps if more mundane family relationships participated in the show, it would feel more grounded and easier to relate to. As it is, most meet-ups with friends and interactions with people outside the immediate family feel extremely staged, stiff, and disconnected.

Dixie and Noah’s relationship has been a long-running storyline for The D’Amelio Show. Noah even has his own scenes where he talks to his roommate about his relationship with Dixie. These conversations feel entirely manufactured by producers; they have no flow with the rest of the episodes. Noah’s presence in the show feels a lot more like a contractual obligation than anything. Perhaps if Dixie and Noah can figure their things out, Noah’s presence will feel more natural in the show, but for now, he feels like a time filler.

The D’Amelio Show needs to broaden its horizon and get more characters that actually flow, contribute, and make sense within the storylines the producers push. If Avani is Charli’s best friend, why do we barely see her? And why does it feel like she’s been fed conversation points? If there’s a President of D’Amelio Enterprises, show us what he does. The D’Amelio Show pushes the business side of this family so hard that they might as well incorporate a how-does-this-get-made storyline into the show.


The bottom line is it shouldn’t take a death in the family to make a reality show more interesting and relatable. The D’Amelio Show needs more depth.


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