Book Review: Defy by Sara Larson

defyThe Roger Ebert in me finally feels satisfied. It took me a good three months, but I think I’ve finally come across a perfect fantasy novel. Considering this is the typically discontented book reviewer we’re talking about, that’s saying a lot. Considering that I initially thought Defy wasn’t going to defy my expectations, that’s showing the quality of Defy. I thought Defy was going to be a knock-off of a good book. Contrary to my initial beliefs though, Defy is the real deal.

Alexa, the main character, must go by Alex in order to stay alive. As a member of the prince’s guard, Alex must do whatever it takes to protect Prince Damian, even if it means giving up her identity. What she doesn’t realize is that they’ll have to cross the King in order to stay alive.

I truly admire Alexa. Although she isn’t quite as smart as her brother (she said so herself), she’s caring, kind, and real. What’s truly remarkable about her is how much she develops throughout the book. Initially guarded, Alexa learns to trust other people. She learns that everyone has their own secrets. However, most of all, she learns to have some self-confidence and trust in herself.

As for Damian, can I just say he’s totally crush-worthy (Note that I’m Team Damian, so I’ll focus on this side of the love triangle)? Fierce, smart, and good-looking, he’s got the hots for Alex/a. Too bad their situations in life are a little messed up. While at times I was unhappy with how he handled situations, I soon realized that he was doing what was necessary to protect the kingdom. I think he’s a great ruler and person.

The plot is commendable. Sara Larson’s intentions are not clear at first. Instead, she takes you on a whirlwind of a journey, finally revealing what’s going on at the last possible moment. In other words, Defy‘s plot is unstoppable. I was pretty thrown off by the plot twist. That being said, Sandra Larson does a wonderful job foreshadowing the plot, as long as you know what to notice for. The plot actually makes sense! You don’t know how rare it is.

If you’re scared of cliffhangers, fear no more! Defy‘s ending is perfect. Defy would work pretty well as a stand-alone, although in reality there will be a sequel. Luckily, I won’t die a terrible death waiting for the sequel. I’m pretty content with the ending. Although it is bittersweet, it actually suits the novel as a whole. For someone especially pick about endings, Sandra Larson does an exceptional job wrapping up the whole story.

I hope Defy defies your expectations (I know, it was bad enough. Repeating it just makes it worse. Not sorry though!). Be sure to get a copy of it on January 7th!

Rating: 10 out of 10


Publisher: Scholastic Press (January 7, 2014)

Series: Defy #1

Source: Netgalley

Genre: Fantasy, YA, Romance




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