TV Review: Reign 1×17 “Liege Lord”


Alas! Finally, Mary Queen of Scots has risen!

Throughout this whole season we have seen Mary as a kind and compassionate Queen. Sure, we previewed a sense of the love she has for her country when she was willing to break alliance with France to obtain troops for Scotland from Portugal.

But the patriotism and power that rose from within Mary this week was something unseen before. It shocked us. It even shocked Mary.

Francis’s reaction was one of wonder and awe for his beautiful wife. He stood by her side offering full support. But that’s about all he did. Francis is an unusual kind of man in those times. He allowed his wife to take authority and call the shots. He is due respect for understanding that it was her country that was at stake and so it was her battle to fight.

What caused all this commotion?

You know it involved Queen Katherine. Doesn’t always?

Mary received information from one of the Queen’s ladies that’s part of the Flying Squad, a group of women who sleep with powerful men in order to get important information back to the Queen. She tells Mary that there’s a secret clause in her and Francis’s marriage contract. It was slipped in by Queen Katherine and Queen Marie De Guise (Mary’s mother) stating that if Mary can’t produce an heir for Francis Scotland can belong to France. Well then, aren’t they deserving of the Mother of the Year Award?


Mary, naturally, is furious! She can’t comprehend how her mother would endanger her beloved Scotland. The fact that she still hasn’t gotten pregnant makes the clause quite a serious threat. Oh yeah, her best friend already produced an heir, even if it is a bastard one.

Coincidently, Lord Julian has asked Lola for marriage. He tells her how he doesn’t want any kids because his past two wives have died during child birth. Yet, when Lola later can’t hold it in and confesses, he agrees to marry her still. He seemed too okay with the fact that she’s carrying another man’s baby. Remember, this is the same man who would not marry Greer because he saw her kissing a boy. As far as I know, a pregnancy out of wedlock is more of an indiscretion in those days. It seems quite strange to me that he was so willing to not pester Lola about her past if she didn’t ask about his. What secrets does Lord Julian have? Lola could possibly be entering a danger zone with him. Don’t let handsome Lord Julian fool you. I have a feeling that there is more to him than meets the eye.

Anyways, back to Mary. She decides to take matters into her own hands and that means playing the games royals play, even if she doesn’t yet realize the price this can mean for others.


Her first plan of action is to get the original contract from King Henry’s chambers. The best way to do this unnoticed is of course through Kenna, Bash’s new bride and also King Henry’s ex-mistress. That’s awkward.

She’s hesitant to do this at first because she promised Bash that she and Henry would have no sort of contact. Not that she would want to anyways. The King is getting madder by the day. Plus he still has that pesky Penelope playing Queen. But when she knows her country is in danger, she agrees. Kenna may be a lot of things, but we got to see that she has pride for her nation and will do what her Queen asks to save it. Kudos to you, Kenna!

We got to see that even though Kenna and Bash aren’t in love with each other, they both have the heart to eventually love or at least care for each other. They throw their digs at one another at first but realize they’ve been thrown into a union that can’t be undone and they might as well make the best of it.

I see potential between those two. I’m hoping Reign writers can concoct something!


Unfortunately for Kenna, just as she finds the contract, King Henry walks into his chambers. She’s able to slip and hide the contract but has to deal with King Henry’s requests. To top it all off, the contract King Henry had in his chambers was merely a copy.

Mary calls a party and invites all the Scottish men that are nearby, including Mary’s father’s old battle companion. She informs the men of what Marie De Guise has done, and they reverently bow before her as they’ve waited for her to finally rise.

Unfortunately, Katherine realizes Mary knows, and as the Scottish men are letting loose at a nearby brothel, she sends Royal Assassins. Every one of them is dead.

All the good vibes that Katherine and Mary had after the wedding are instantly gone. Mary isn’t playing games (she slapped Katherine right in the face) and has promised to spread the word to France that the King has gone mad.

This would set French court into chaos and would put Francis in danger. But a hot headed Mary didn’t consider this an issue. She figured that Francis could go to Scotland with her just as she’s gone to live in France. However, we got to see that Queen Katherine was frightened enough by Mary’s ultimatum that she agreed to burn the contract.

Could it be that Mary is stepping into Katherine territory by using the same tools of control and manipulation?

Francis is no longer aroused by Mary’s independent thinking and passionate strong will. He is seeing that she is becoming consumed with her duties as a queen and forgetting that they’re a team.

Just by looking at the tension after Mary tells him that she will always choose her country, one can tell that there’s a division growing between them.

Mary is no longer a girl; she’s becoming a queen.

How do you think this is going to affect her marriage with Francis?

What’s going to happen with King Henry as his illness worsens?

Anyone else feel that Lord Julian could be a little sketchy not wanting to reveal his past?

Leave your theories and comments below!

Gif/ Photo Credits:

Tumblr: in my end is my beginning

Tumblr: Reign Caps


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