Paranormal Activity 2

Paranormal Activity 2. The name says it all.

You know what you’re in for: shaky cameras, night vision and creepy stuff popping out of nowhere.

I was sooo scared, well to be honest I’m a complete ham when it comes to scary movies, I get frustrated and start yelling the characters in the movie to go do something (yup, I think they can hear me lol).

The movie starts off with Kristi and Dan Rey, a couple that just had their first newborn baby Hunter, along with Ali  is Dan’s daughter, Martina the housekeeper and also Abby the german shepperd dog in the house. The first 20 mins of the movie or so, you get to see a little background on the family and how they live in their new house. But HOLD ON RIGHT THERE: all of this footage is shown 60 days (3 months) before the murder of Micah Sloat (the guy from the 1st Paranormal Activity)
If you didn’t get that here’s the condensed version: Kristi’s sister is Katie (the girl from the 1st Paranormal Activity) so yeah, you got it. Basically the “weird” stuff that happens this time in PA2, has to deal with the stuff that happend with the 1st one.
Why are there cameras on this movie in the first place? Because apparently someone broke into their house and turned everything into a mess, but didn’t steal anything, so the Rey family decided that it was a good idea to install a camera surveillance system around the house. And you know things are about to go downhill once the first “Night #1” and the date show up in the screen…

So, without going into any further details I must say repeat myself I WAS SO SCARED!

Just like the 1st Paranormal Activity, you’re scared because when you look at what the cameras are looking at you can’t help but wonder what’s going to happen next. You’re expecting the next sound, move, shadow in the screen and that’s all  you’re looking for. The shaky camera thing gave me headaches sometimes but it adds a little of suspense to the movie, I must say and it also adds some of this notion that this movie is low budget.

I really liked it. I got scared and was paranoid during the whole movie wondering what was going to happen next.  And yup, to those of you WHO WANT TO  KNOW THIS (if not skip this sentence) there is a 3rd part, in my opinion.

Should you go watch it? YES. If you’ve seen the 1st one then you know what you’re into.
If you haven’t seen the 1st one, doesn’t matter, you still get a hold of everything that’s going on and YOU WILL be scared too!


Paranormal Activity 2 is now in theaters.


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