Book Review: The Unseemly Education of Anne Merchant by Joanna Wiebe


The title of the novel indicates the true nature of the book- an seemingly neverending narration of a garrulous protagonist. And to make matters worse, the author relies on an abundance of cliches in order to construct her plot. Add the craziest, most ridiculous academy ever, and you’ve got yourself The Unseemly Education of Anne Merchant. And yes, I finally succumbed to the ridiculously long title.

Let’s all take a moment to examine the synopsis of the novel. Our protagonist (guess her name!) arrives at Cania Christy, a boarding school for “the world’s wealthiest teens.” Not only does the author fall to the common misconception many have of boarding schools, but she also falls for the cliched “mysterious boarding school” idea. Cania Christy is not what it seems. GASP. And life there revolves around being good at a talent to become valedictorian. GASP. I swear, that just incorrectly turned the high school experience into a four year experience about specializing in a certain area. Think college but only about grades. And ridiculously depicted.

Roses are red, and violets are blue. Valerie loves books, but this book is just wrong on so many levels. If you thought my faux poem sucked, well, I hope you lower your standards if you ever plan on reading this book. From the slut-shaming to the overall lack of good writing, there is so much to complain about that it’s not worth mentioning. Honestly, let me count thy ways in which this book is flawed. No, let me count and describe the redeeming qualities of The Unseemly Education of Anne Merchant. Additionally, as a side remark, I am not trying to condemn the author, and if I offend anyone with this review, I truly apologize. While I do not believe the author intentionally described someone as “Mandarin” or slut-shamed, I do believe that it is crucial to point out what I believe are flaws.

Now I can expound on the redeeming qualities. If we view The Unseemly Education of Anne Merchant under a different lens, it is quite possible to enjoy reading the book. What is that lens? Well, to be honest, we have to view the book under a satirical lens. As the first part seems like The Clique or a Gossip Girls episode, it is entirely appropriate to view the novel as a modern Gulliver’s Travels– esque book. In other words, Joanna Wiebe is possibly the new Johnathan Swift.

Additionally, while the plot seems ridiculous at times, it is one of the most interesting plots ever. Even if the author resorts to cliches like boarding school, there is no way anyone can say that the plot is contrived. There is a fine line between cliche and simply too cliche to the point of uniqueness. The Unseemly Education of Anne Merchant has more than trampled and destroyed that line.

Rating: 3 out of 10

Publisher: BenBella Books (January 14, 2014)

Source: Netgalley


Length: 272 pages (Hardcover)

ISBN #: 9781939529329




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