TV Review: Reign 2×2 – “Drawn and Quartered”

Francis has returned to the castle and Mary is elated to have her husband back. However, it’s also evident that she’s uncomfortable as she sees everyone (including her ladies) fawning over Lola and her newborn baby—Francis’ son.

Francis’ indiscretion with Lola while he and Mary were apart has never tempered the passionate love they have for one another, but although there is love there is also underlying hurt between these two.

The newborn baby is bringing a lot of their issues to the surface. There’s the decision of claiming him and what it will mean for Mary and Lola’s position at French court. Mary’s been quite passive-aggressive, but for once she’s speaking her mind about how she truly feels.

Meanwhile, Lord Narciss (Lord Edward’s father) has come to the castle to claim his son’s body and learn about his death. Unfortunately, he connects the dots and finds out that it was Mary who placed Edward where all the servants were infected with the Plague. Mary’s decision has come at a high cost as Narciss has mobilized all the nobles against her and Francis. Now Nostradamus and the guards who placed Edward in the prison are being sentenced to death, drawn and quartered—all because of Mary! Her need to prove herself righteous is now costing people their lives.

But one thing is true: Mary was left alone by Francis as a new young Queen to make important decisions in the middle of a chaotic Plague – all because of Francis’ impulsive decision to go after Lola. It was good to see Mary speak up as a wife and not just a queen! She finally opens up, showing how devastated she is that of all the women in France, Francis had to choose Lola, one of Mary’s ladies and best friends. I for one wouldn’t be able to deal with it as gracefully as Mary has.

As hurt as she may be, she knows they must remain united in order to defeat Narciss. After all, despite everything, Francis and Mary have always made a powerful team.


Both are very cunning and witty rulers.

Meanwhile, Lord Castleroy is destroyed at the death of his daughter Ivette, and he’s blaming Leith for it. The tension between Leith and Greer continues to grow, and having these two apart is killing me! Leith has grown cold towards Greer after all the rejection he’s endured, but underneath the feelings remain. Lord Castleroy is far too aware of the mutual feelings. He’s leaving court to see his other children and tend to his businesses and doesn’t know when or if he will ever be back. So where does that leave Greer? Did he just give her a free pass to just do whatever she wants?

Back in the woods, a woman warns Bash about the door between the dead and the living that has been opened thanks to all of those who have died and were treated terribly. There’s a reckoning coming, and they’re going to need Nostradamus to understand what’s going on with the dead who are coming to haunt the castle.


Katherine is handing out the motherly advice, trying to convince Francis to claim his son. He could be the only child Francis has as Mary’s ability to conceive is being questioned. The poor girl is under pressure by the whole world!

Francis must make the final choice, and he has to learn who to trust as the new King. It’s tough being a King and figuring out who’s actually genuine! Lord Conde may be his cousin, but he’s also being accused of (gasp) being a Protestant! But for some reason I think Lord Conde is a good man; hopefully I’m not wrong!

As Katherine pays a visit to Nostradamus and totally gives him a hard time for betraying her, he fires back by unleashing a powerful secret! MAYBE Clarissa is still alive, which means that Francis could still die. And in that moment, Katherine falls apart and begs for the whole truth as they drag Nostradamus away to his death.

Thankfully, Mary and Francis learned that Narciss and Lord Verland were embezzling funds from the Vatican and had a cardinal killed—a far worse crime than what Mary did. They had no way to prove it, but their cunning decision to use Lord Verland’s seal that held his supposed confession proved effective.


Francis promised to burn the letters if he freed Nostradamus and the guard. But Narciss wanted more land and Francis had to agree to give land—Leith’s land. Betraying a friend to save lives is one of the sacrifices that comes with being King. So, Leith will be back at court, and I’m thinking he will probably become part of Francis’ advisors. Leith could be right next to Bash, who’s been freshly appointed as King’s Deputy.

Nostradamus has left the castle once more in the hopes of a better life, and I’m so sad to see him go! I’m hoping for a quick return from him.

Mary, meanwhile, has a change of heart when it comes to Francis’ lovechild. Claiming the baby could make him safer from the cruelty of the world. Mary acknowledges that she must open her heart, and if she wants to be any different from Katherine she must love this child.

Then, the WEIRDEST THING HAPPENS! As one of the baby nurses is teaching Francis how to hold his son, she begins to speak just as King Henry, calling Francis the usurper. Two seconds later, it seems as though the spirit leaves and she doesn’t remember a thing. Francis is stunned, and if he didn’t believe in the supernatural before, he does now! The hauntings are beginning in the castle, and I’m pretty sure it’s only getting creepier from this point on!


How scary was the ending? It was my favorite part, though!

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