
Disney brings back fairytales with its new production, Tangled, which is about the story of the princess Rapunzel.

In the original story, Rapunzel is the princess with the long strands of hair who is locked away from everyone in a high tower and lets down her hair for her mother to climb and she falls in love with a prince etc, you might know the story already. In “Tangled”, Rapunzel besides having long hair and being locked away in a tower, her hair has the power to heal and make people. The rejuvenation factor is the reason why an old lady(Mother Gothel) kidnaps her for 17 years and keeps her away from her parents who are the kings of the town. After her disappearance, Rapunzel’s parents would let flying sky lanterns illuminate the sky in hopes that Rapunzel would return home to them. Things change when a thief named Flynn Rider (he later reveals his actual name is Eugene) is trying to escape the kingdom after stealing Rapunzel’s crown that she used when she was a baby, and finds himself a hiding spot in Rapunzel’s tower. Rapunzel was in shock when she saw Flynn, she hit him with a frying pan so he would lose consciousness, later she found in his satchel a crown. She decided to hide the crown and once he woke up she made a deal with him: to take her on her 18th birthday to see the sky lanterns and she would give him back the crown. And well…love develops between Flynn and Rapunzel eventually as they face danger and a new adventure trying to find the sky lanterns.

This movie has all of the things you love from Disney movies: original soundtracks, good storyline and this time around very good special effects. The dialogue was fantastic and I was blown away with how funny the movie was. When the movie starts, you could hear Flynn’s voice over saying “This is the story of how I died…” and then cuts off and says “Just kidding. But I will have to tell you how everything started” and I knew I was going to love this movie.

Tangled is the type of movie perfect for families, and do not be fooled guys, most jokes only adults would understand! I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and recommend to everyone who hasn’t seen it yet to go ahead give it a try because this will be a classic for future generations.


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