Top Five Modern Day Superpowers – John Corey Whaley


We’re taking part in the blog tour for John Corey Whaley’s Highly Illogical Behavior. This book is funny, heartfelt, and portrays mental illness in an important new light. Today we’ve got a guest post from John Corey Whaley himself about the Top Five Modern Day Superpowers he would like to have.

Sixteen-year-old Solomon is agoraphobic. He hasn’t left the house in three years, which is fine by him.

Ambitious Lisa desperately wants to get into the second-best psychology program for college (she’s being realistic). But how can she prove she deserves a spot there?

Solomon is the answer.

Determined to “fix” Sol, Lisa thrusts herself into his life, introducing him to her charming boyfriend Clark and confiding her fears in him. Soon, all three teens are far closer than they thought they’d be, and when their facades fall down, their friendships threaten to collapse, as well.

Teleportation. I hate flying. Truly hate it. So this is a very serious desire of mine and would be amazing and the only way I’d ever see far off places like Australia to which I can’t stomach the flights.


  1. 20/20 Eyesight. Because I’m afraid of laser surgery but also really tired of wearing contacts. And glasses? They mess up my depth perception and I run into things constantly.

  1. Flashlight Eyes. I just came up with this one right now but, really, it seems like a great superpower.   Want to stay up reading but your spouse doesn’t? Flashlight eyes. Need to read on an airplane when everyone else is sleeping? FLASHLIGHT EYES.

  1. Underwater Lungs. Do I really need to give a reason for this one? Okay: I’m afraid of scuba diving because of that whole “the pressure can burst your eardrums” thing that happens sometimes. So, this seems better.


  1. Super Speed-Reading. When I say “super speed,” I mean FAST. I want to read everything, all my friends’ books, all the classics, all the comics and graphic novels and biographies I can find. But I’m a slow reader and it’s hard to keep up when you’re always working on your own fiction.

Thank you to Penguin Teen and John Corey Whaley for this awesome guest post. Make sure you check out Highly Illogical Behavior, on sale now, to learn how these modern day superpowers are relevant to the story!


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