Music review: Red Hot Chili Peppers’ 10th Studio Album “I’m With You”

By: Lucyinthesky

Red Hot Chili Peppers finally release their tenth studio album titled “I’m With You” since their last album “Stadium Arcadium”  in 2006, and since the departure of Josh Frusciante in 2009, this is the band’s first album featuring  Josh Klinghoffer as their new guitarist.

Red Hot Chili Peppers to me are one of the many bands that in way shaped the 90s sound in rock, their funk rock sound is very unique and easy to jam to, while listening to “I’m With You”, I didn’t even bother skipping the songs or anything because lately in the music industry we have been bombarded with electro-dance music, RHCP offer us a break from all of that and give us music that’s easy to listen to.

In my opinion, after more than twenty years (or is it thirty?) of RHCP as a band, this isn’t the end and this isn’t even a transtition album as if they were experimenting with a new sound, no, this is to me more of like a statement from the band saying to their fans “we are not going anywhere, we are still here”. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve changed bandmates, or hiatus, they still hold their own when it comes to being one of the best bands in Alternative Rock.

However, in this album we have to point out that the guitars aren’t as strong as Frusciante’s but hey, Klinghoffer’s presence is there but in a more subtle way. At this point, it doesn’t seem like the band wants to try new sounds, in fact I think they’re going to stick to what they know that’s funk-punk rock, and every now and then Kiedis rapping over the guitar and drums which is always awesome. This album could have received from me a 10/10 review if it had mind-blowing melodies or jaw-dropping deep lyrics that made me rewind the song to repeat what Kiedis said, but no, instead I received a decent album when it comes to the instrumens with decent lyrics and overall I’m satisfied because I’d rather get this than getting Red Hot Chili Peppers doing an autotuned song, God forbid.

Some of my favorite songs from this album are “Look Around”, “Brendan’s Death Song”, “Happiness Loves Company” and “Ethiopia”.

In conclusion, I think this album is worth your bucks if you have heard of Red Hot Chili Peppers before and are used to what they do, I was expecting an edgier album to be honest but I’m okay with this one and recommend it to anyone who wants to take a break from what our local stations are playing, “I’m With You” is like a breath of fresh air.


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