TV Review: Under the Dome 1×06 “The Endless Thirst”

In this week’s episode of Under the Dome, citizens must now overcome the newest challenge that living under a dome has forced them to face. Figuring out where their next water source is coming from.

Thanks to a delusional episode that one of Norrie’s moms experienced due to her diabetes, the town’s water storage was damaged. Not only has this managed to stir the sanity of residents but also brought to light the fear that the newly appointed authorities knew was sure to come; how long could the town last while being separated from the rest of the world? Then, to add pepper to the wound, the town found out that their only remaining water supply had been intoxicated.

Meanwhile, our beloved Angie suddenly figuring that since she isn’t going to be blown to pieces by an atomic bomb, she might as well try getting her ass as far away from nutcase Junior. And so cues her ten minute running spree. But what I couldn’t understand is why she would head for the woods. I mean, if she’s ever watched a horror film, she’d know that the woods are the designated killing grounds for many psychopaths. Wouldn’t the safest place be to run towards a crowded area? Apparently, one of the directors pointed this out and soon enough, little Angie found herself in the midst of a water riot.

While Angie was trying to lose her mentally disturbed ex boyfriend, Norrie and Joe went in search of the few people in town who possessed insulin so that she could save her mom. At first I thought “why would she steal from others who needed the insulin as much as her mother? Where’s the fairness in that?” But then I imagined myself in her situation and knew that if my mother was resting on death’s doorstep, there’d be nothing that would stop me from getting what she needed.

Throughout all this time, Julia and Dodee (the engineer at the only radio station in town) were in search of the reasons to why the A-bomb hadn’t obliterated the dome. Thanks to Dodee’s alien-searching-device, they were lead straight to Norrie and Joe. Naturally, both parties were

confused as to how Norrie and Joe are involved in connection to the dome and to gain some clarity, Norrie and Joe reveal their weird seizure secret.

In all the quest for answers, the riot happening in the town didn’t seem to be quieting down anytime soon. Everyone was concerned with their own survival that they hadn’t even blinked when deputy Linda and Barbie threw tear gas in the middle of the chaos. If they were ever to stop the madness, they needed to find a reliable water source. Fortunately for Angie, the riot allowed her to slip pass Junior and find sanctuary in the town’s Bed & Breakfast hotel.


Always trying to find a solution to the town’s distress through underground resources, Big Jim visited an off and on “friend” with access to a well. However, this “friend” doesn’t come cheap and Big Jim found himself exchanging a portion of his propane storage for use of his “friend’s” well.

On the other side of the town, Angie cried her eyes out in the arms of Rose and confessed all the things that Big Jim and Junior had done to her. Before Rose could process this news properly, two troublemakers (who apparently know Junior) barged into the diner and demanded to have Rose’s supply of meats. Upon refusing them and putting up a good fight for an old woman, one of the tyrants dealt her a deadly blow to the head. Angie, who also resisted, was knocked unconscious.

And when all thought that the riot and madness couldn’t get any worse. It doesn’t. It actually started to rain! Now my brain was literally being forced into over-drive trying to figure out how rain could fall in an area completely cut off from…well…everything. Then Dodee introduced the theory that the dome reached far enough to cover a few clouds and cause rain. Non-toxic rain too. And just like that, residents stop their mindless chaos and grab buckets to catch rain.

Back at the diner, Barbie noticed one of the tyrants guarding the doors and instantly knew something wasn’t quite peachy. Being an official part of the town’s police force now, he wasted no time pounding on the scene and the troublemaker fled leaving his friend behind. Before the sadistic twit could do anything to the unconscious Angie, Barbie grabbed him and beat the living daylight out of him before princess carrying Angie outside and into the arms of Junior.


All this time, I’m still completely dumbfounded by the fact that it was actually raining inside the dome. So now I’m even more convinced that the dome is either being controlled by the aliens (so cliche) or is actually a living breathing being (by far scarier and creepier).

Again, despite having answered the where-will-we-get-water-from question, a million more questions remain. Now that Julia and Dodee are in the know about Norrie and Joe’s seizure secret, will they be able to come up with some answers? Where will the town’s food source come from once it’s depleted? What is UP with that dome?

What’s your take on it?

Rating: 8/10


N/B: There’s talk that CBS will be taking the series on for a second season and that Stephen King will be writing for it.


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