Ally’s Movie Review: Begin Again

Due to my indifference to Once,I was dubious about how fond I’d be of John Carney’s newest film Begin Again. I was pleasantly surprised, however, to see some catchy tunes, some laughs and two great lead performances by Keira Knightley…

Oscar Buzz: Evan and Ally Talking-Captain Phillips

Well here we are, down to the last Best Picture Nominee. Directed by Paul Greengrass Captain Phillips seems to have come out forever ago compared to the other nominees, despite it’s October release date. Evan and I both agreed that there was…

This Month in Film: November New Releases

November is a great movie month. It’s almost like prep for the onslaught of films to expect in December. November is full of major awards contenders (hyped indies and big budgets) and blockbusters. It also rings the end of the…