History According to Hollywood: The Civil War – Part 2

So nigh is grandeur to our dust, So near is God to man, When Duty whispers low, Thou must, The youth replies, I can.                                                                                -Ralph Waldo Emerson Close your eyes for a second and think of the American West.…

History According to Hollywood: The Civil War – Part 1

“But as Pontius Pilate said, what is the truth?” – D.W Griffith  In a bout of historical irony, the first Union troops to enter Richmond at end of the Civil War were African-American. The Confederacy Capital, bombarded and shelled, stood…

Oscar Buzz: Will Teens Have a Horse in the Race?

It’s that time of year again. The Weinsteins are whining, and the red carpets are rolling! In the enormous mess of DVD promotions, star interviews, magazine spotlights, and blogger rants, it’s easy to forget that the Oscars are no longer…

The Film Canon: Star Wars (1977)

It feels a little silly to include Star Wars in a compendium of films you must see, if only because it’s a given that everyone’s already seen it. When someone tells me they haven’t seen Star Wars, I briefly consider…