SUPER SMASH BROS. for Wii U! November 18 – 21st

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U The Wii U version of the 4th installment of the Super Smash Brothers series puts over 50 of Nintendo’s All Star, fan favorite characters against one another in a full-on battle/melee/brawl for the first…

E3 2013 Nintendo: Pikmin, Luigi, Bayonetta 2, 3rd Party Games

Nintendo has shown off a lot of games today. We got our first glimpse of the new Super Smash Brothers and it’s new characters (some more exciting than others), and Several new trailers and announcements for their first party titles…

E3 2013 Nintnedo: First Party Titles! Mario, DK, Zelda

We already got you covered on the newly revealed Super Smash Brothers for Wii U and 3DS… all caught up on that? Great! Lets-a-go! Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) With the success of 3D land on the 3DS, Nintnedo…

E3 2013 Nintendo: Announcement! Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS

The Wii U has been on the market since November, and while it’s fanbase is supporting where it can, the consoles sales have been less than stellar. However, after Nintendo dropped the price of the 3DS back in 2012, the…

Nintendo News – New HD Zelda, Famicom Anniversary

A lot of news broke out from the air tight vault that is Nintendo this morning. Company President, Saturo Iwata (the mind behind the Nintendo DS and the Wii) revealed a plethora of news for owners of Nintendo products, beginning…