Once Upon a Time 7×15 Review: Secondary Characters Say Farewell in “Sisterhood”

As the final season of Once Upon A Time is starting to wind down, so are some of the secondary characters. In the last few episodes alone, a handful of recently introduced characters have bid farewell to the magical world.…

Once Upon a Time 7×13 Review: “Knightfall” Tackles Family Drama

In a very slow and slightly boring episode, it took almost 41 minutes for “Knightfall” to grab our attention. The way it did so was by going back to the beginning and mimicking the relationship that started the entire adventure…

Once Upon a Time 7×11 Review: “Secret Garden” Found the Show’s Voice Again

Since the majority of the original cast left Once Upon a Time, the seventh and final season was struggling as a time jump occurred along with the introduction of many new characters. During the first ten episodes of season seven, it…

TV Review: Once Upon a Time 6×02 “A Bitter Draught”

For the past couple seasons, Once Upon a Time has made the darkness within one of its major themes. Of course, since this series takes place in a world that revolves around fairy tales, the battle between good and evil has…

T2: Trainspotting 2 Teaser Turns Up

Nothing is ever truly safe from getting a sequel or a reboot nowadays. Considering the fact that Ghostbusters received a recent Hollywood reboot, anything can be fair game at this point. And it’s not like Hollywood has to be the only…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×17): ‘Her Handsome Hero’

This week’s episode put Rumpelstiltskin and Belle’s relationship to the forefront again as they dealt with the aftermath of Rumple’s deal with Hades that he would give him his second born child. The episode was imbued with flashbacks of young…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×10): ‘Swan Song’

It’s been a rocky year for Captain Swan what with Emma (Jennifer Morrison) becoming the Dark One, then Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) almost dying, then Emma turning Hook into a Dark One, then Hook opening the portal to the Underworld and…