Video Game Review: Paper Mario: Color Splash

The game is colorful, at least. If you’re not up to date with the goings on among the Nintendo faithful, this might come as a shock, but Nintendo kind of has a Mario problem. Or, rather, a Paper Mario problem.…

TYF’s Top 10 Nintendo GameCube games

For a lot of people, auditory and visual sensation provokes nostalgia more than anything else, and for many millennial, those associated with the games on the Nintendo Gamecube are no exception to this rule. In fact, it may be the gold…

10 Video Games we need to see in 2017

It’s been a glorious year for video games thus far. Through E3, we’ve seen the new God of War, the new Legend of Zelda installment, and we’ve had a look at Telltale’s new Batman game. It’s all amazing, but there…

TYF Column: What We’ve Been Playing July ’16

After a Mid-year review in June, the What We’ve Been Playing column has returned! While it may seem that Pokemon GO is what was on everyone’s minds for the month of July (because it was) doesn’t necessarily mean that our…

Super Mario Bros. 3 – 25th Game Anniversary

This month marks the 25th Anniversary of the North American release for Super Mario Bros. 3 in 1990, essentially the swan song of the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The game is claimed now by several generations of gamers, since its…

E3 2013 Nintendo: Pikmin, Luigi, Bayonetta 2, 3rd Party Games

Nintendo has shown off a lot of games today. We got our first glimpse of the new Super Smash Brothers and it’s new characters (some more exciting than others), and Several new trailers and announcements for their first party titles…

E3 2013 Nintnedo: First Party Titles! Mario, DK, Zelda

We already got you covered on the newly revealed Super Smash Brothers for Wii U and 3DS… all caught up on that? Great! Lets-a-go! Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) With the success of 3D land on the 3DS, Nintnedo…