Best Decades in Horror: The 1980s

There are few genre success stories more endearing than the run horror movies had throughout the 1980s. Visual effects – in all their animatronic and latex glory – had finally reached a point where they could capture the twisted fantasies…

10 Remakes That Turned Out To Be Classics

As movie lovers we’ve grown accustomed to collectively wincing every time we hear that a favourite classic is being remade. The same might be true for the upcoming The Magnificent Seven (2016), but let’s not forget that the original Magnificent Seven (1960) was too a…

The Film Canon: The Fly (1986)

David Cronenberg has long established himself to be a maverick in the world of film since his humble beginnings in the 1970s. From a career perspective, his filmography output took a different direction during the early to mid 80s. Cronenberg…