TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×10) “The Next World”

In my notes this week, I wrote “Spencer kills zombie mom.” It made me laugh out loud when I realized I did so. Sure, the topic is morbid, but The Walking Dead has proven to be a show where the…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×09) “No Way Out”

The second half of season 6 of The Walking Dead seems to be a reminder that this is a series based on a comic book. The actual Walking Dead comic has always had a better handle on characters than the…

Interview with Lauren Cohan of ‘The Boy’

It would be easy to dismiss The Boy as typical January horror trash. I know that was my plan before I saw the film. However, to my great surprise, it turns out these filmmakers actually had a few tricks up…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×08) “Start To Finish”

From start to finish, nothing much happened in ‘Start to Finish’. Sure, there was a death and humans shuffled around the deadly zombie shufflers invading Alexandria, but for a mid-season finale, there was a whole lot of nothing happening, along…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×07) “Head’s Up”

After weeks of speculation, the answer was simple: he crawled under the dumpster and lived. Yes, the end of this show’s most unnecessary mystery was resolved and that’s great. Sadly, between that and the final moment that provides one hell…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×06) “Always Accountable”

Last week was somewhat of a stumble for an otherwise terrific season of The Walking Dead so far. This week feels like a marginal climb back up the hill of what makes this show successful. On the one hand you…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×05) “Now”

All good things must come to an end I guess. Okay, so “Now” is not a bad episode of The Walking Dead, but it does seem like a clear comedown, following the excellent “Here’s Not Here” from last week and…