Shadowhunters 2×13: “Those of Demon Blood”

The Downworld almost had an uprising because of one Seelie. After losing her brother to assault on Valentine this Downworlder chose to stage an uprising in order to get revenge. Despite her stealth skills she was no match for three people. What made her character so interesting was that she was able to replicate the traits of other Downworlders. It’s a shame her character could’ve have been a villain for a little while longer.

An interesting part of this episode was Magnus. After being tortured last week, you would think he’s earned a break, but Alec asking for his DNA rubbed him the wrong way. He even told Alec to get out. This lead to Magnus and Dot hanging out and almost kissing. Fortunately for Alec, Magnus loves him, but this could negatively affect them moving forward. Another point of these moments are that they made Dot look like she’s lonely. We haven’t really seen how she’s been since Valentine and Magnus implied that she hasn’t been with anyone in a while, so a little more screen time with her might be worth it.

A relationship that’s still going strong is Clary and Simon. Seeing him speed to her after she had been attacked showed how much he cared. That point was made really strong when he told Jace that he wasn’t leaving her side no matter what. He did get thrown in a cell, but it’s the thought that counts. Clary even told him that she’d get him out, which she eventually did. Clary didn’t do much this episode, but she did get her boyfriend a gig, and it turns out Simon can sing. He also has a bunch of vampire followers that want to be in the clan he doesn’t have.

Jace went on an interesting journey this episode. At first, he was following his grandmother’s orders now that he’s a Herondale. The reason for doing so was that he could fit in with his new family. Although, this brought him to odds with the Downworlders, specifically Maia after he told her that The Institute wants to put trackers in all of them. Maia kicked his sidekick’s butt and almost beat his, but Jace managed to win. Luckily, he came to his senses and freed Maia and Simon. He even took the tracker out of the werewolf, and the two eventually started making out. We’ll have to see where that leads. Let’s not forget that he’s officially made Alec the head of The Institute.

Izzy seems to be doing better. She kept her cool in the face of Raphael and he even helped her track down the Seelie. She also saved Meliorn’s life because Raphael thought he was the killer. Not to mention she saved her brother Max, which is most important. Max might be trouble in the future with him sneaking out the way he did, but he did keep his cool when he was captured, so he might prove useful down the line. Most important is that Izzy doesn’t fall off the wagon. She’s doing fine now, but no one can beat addiction over a couple days. It’s going to be a struggle.

Shadowhunters airs Mondays at 8/7c on Freeform.


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