HVFF 2017: The Women of Arrow Panel

Step aside, men of CW’s Arrow. The women of Arrow – Katrina Law, Juliana Harkavy, & Willa Holland – took the stage on Sunday, December 3rd during Heroes & Villains Fan Fest in San Jose, CA. The packed room was not only entertained by Katrina’s infectious personality but we got the 411 about their personal lives and their set life. *Spoiler alert: Stay away from John Barrowman if you don’t want to be pranked!*

So what were the biggest takeaways?

  1. What ever happened to Nyssa?

    “I feel like she may have blown up and is now hamburger meat splattered on trees.” OK, this was all a joke but she didn’t nudge with any answer. This eventually led Juliana to come up with the idea that Sara Lance would come in and rescue her.
  2. Who would win in a fight: Nyssa versus Linda May from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Nyssa no question. But with the help of all the Black Canaries.
  3. Willa feels some type of way towards the artist Tyrese.

    Literally the funniest story ever but Willa was stuck in a car with Tyrese during a sandstorm for 3 ½ hours. Needless to say, she absolutely hated it because he sang every single one of his own songs.
  4. Where would they like to see their characters go in Arrow?

    Katrina: Nysara to be endgame.
    Juliana: Dinah to become a force – build her character up physically and emotionally.
    Willa: Into a cave with Grodd.

  5. Women and their characters’ wardrobe.

    Even with high heels, tight corsets, or wearing a difficult costume… “It’s another way to prove that we can still do anything,” says Willa.

Listen to the whole panel below and let us know what was your favorite part.

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