Interview: Camille Guaty from ‘Happyland’

We were lucky enough to have a chat with Camille Guaty, one of the stars of MTV’s upcoming show Happyland! We talked about a lot of stuff and even got a little into Cuban heritage and, my favorite, FOOD!

We get an in-depth look at her life in Hollywood since her “Si Se Puede” days, and learn how her career has evolved from Latina dancer in Gotta Kick it Up to single mom in Happyland.

She explains the show in her own words, but just so you have an idea, it’s about a group of people living a bit of a fairy tale life… in a theme park.

Camille plays Elena, a single Latina mom who takes her job a little TOO seriously at the theme park. Please note, the interview was via telephone, but I figured fans would rather hear the interview than read it. Also, I wouldn’t start out with the volume too loud; play around with it until you find the right level. ENJOY!

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For those of you wondering what the heck we’re talking about when it gets to the food portion and are NOT Hispanic, this is what a croqueta is. You’re welcome.

Be sure to catch the premiere of Happyland on MTV, September 30th at 11pm EST! TUNE IN!




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