5 Characters We Want to See Return for the ‘Once Upon A Time’ 100th Episode

There are only two more episodes of Once Upon A Time left before the winter finale and then the shows only came back in March with the 100th episode. But with the celebrations of 100 episodes of awesomeness, comes the return of some of our favorites such as Cora, Peter Pan and Sidney Glass.

The title of the 100th episode is ‘Souls of the Departed’ and as characters like Cora and Peter Pan are dead in the canon of the show and spoilers, castings, and that episode title reveals that we will visiting the Underworld and moving into Hercules/Hades territory. That did get us thinking that dead or alive there are plenty of characters that have shifted through the show over the past five seasons that we would love to see making a return for this episode.

1. Graham

The first character to die, and the first to break our hearts. Every person that I raised the question of what character they miss the most with, answered with Graham. Played by the beautiful Jamie Dornan, Graham was the first character who believed Henry’s claims that Regina was up to something fishy and that there was more going to what was happening in Storybrooke, back in Season 1 when everyone was still under the first curse, and did not know their fairytale counterparts. He fell for Emma, and they were an adorable pair, until Regina killed him, and he began the long string of Emma’s dead exes. Jamie Dornan is now playing Christian Grey in the Fifty Shades of Grey series of films and starring in the TV series, The Fall.


2. Jefferson

Another character who was only around for a couple of episodes, Jefferson or the Mad Hatter attempted to convince Emma that the curse was real and tried to force her to use magic in order to fix his magic hat that allowed them to travel through realms. In only a few short episodes, Jefferson was sympathetic, interesting and compelling, and made us hunger for more. It’s sad that he seemed to fade into the background of the Storybrooke residents. Sebastian Stan, who played Jefferson has done the opposite of fading however, as he’s joined the Marvel Universe as Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier as well as roles in the big movies such as The Martian.



3. Tinkerbell

A favorite from the Neverland era, Tinkerbell was a disgraced fairy who was exiled by the Blue Fairy and took refuge in Peter Pan’s land. She was also part of Regina’s story as she led Regina to her true love – Robin Hood. It this tough times when Regina’s only friend, Emma, is trying to kill her sister Zelena, and has gone totally Dark One on all of them, she could use a friend, especially one who knew her even before she became the Evil Queen. Rose McIver, who played Tinkerbell, now has the lead role on CW’s iZombie.


4. Maleficent


This one hasn’t been gone too long, but Aurora’s archenemy and sometimes dragon, Maleficent was reunited with her daughter Lily last season, and we can assume that they are somewhere in Storybrooke (seriously how big is this town) just bonding and stuff. However, in the war on darkness, and other fights that are currently having in Storybrooke, a dragon would be mighty useful. I think it’s time that they promote Maleficent to the A Team and bring her and Lily back into the fold. Kristen Bauer van Straten played the role brilliantly and gave the character a sympathetic side.


5. Archie Hopper

Archie Hopper, otherwise known as Jiminy Cricket, was Henry and many other people in Storybrooke’s therapist. In this trying times when Henry is going through puberty, struggling with his first girlfriend, his mom being evil, etc, you would think Henry might need a therapist. Or perhaps Archie could counsel Hook and Emma and their relationship troubles, there is plenty of opportunities for him. Raphael Sbarge who played Archie, left Once to be on the summer series, Murder in the First. He did however find time to drop by Rose McIver’s show, iZombie, and guest star so hopefully he can make a turn down Storybrooke lane, like David Anders did last episode.



Once Upon A Time returns on November 29th on ABC at 8pm. The 100th episode will air on March 6th, 2016.





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