The Dungeon Folks Chapter One: Welcome to The Jungle

In addition to our Twitch channel, you can also find the weekly installments of this campaign in video form on YouTube and Facebook video, and in audio form on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, and android’s Pocketcasts!


The campaign began aboard the great migration ship S.S. Neogenesis, where a murder had taken place! The royal envoy to the Yarud Dynasty, rulers of the great city-state of V’aliman, was slain, and the guards on the ship had every passenger take to the deck to better investigate the quarters. This is how Flint of the Fireforge clan, Karnov the Pale and a shady human calling himself Merit came to know one another. After being attacked by some lurking shark-men, the newly-formed party was asked to continue the investigation by guard captain Axle Thorne. In doing so, the three unlikely allies found the culprit: a mad cultist chanting about the glory of Nakresh, the Tiger King. After a tense battle, the party prevailed and obtained what the madman was after: a curious amulet.

Watch The Dungeon Folks: Tutorial Session “Shark Meat Ooh-Ha-Ha” from tyfofficial on

They then arrived in The Jungle itself, taken aback by the immense size of the city as well as its gigantic and wildly diverse population. They set themselves to finding a local wizard to identify their new treasure, and waiting outside this wizard’s house was Ori, a wayward dragonborn monk who came to have his fortune told. The old wizard was named Old Greenie and true to his name, liked to keep things green, as well as sass-free. He was a bit off his rocker, and had a gelatinous cube in his basement that needed clearing out, but he kept to his word. Greenie told Ori great things would happen if he stuck with this ragtag group, and he told the party that they possessed the Amulet of Royal Loyalty – possibly the only link to The Jungle’s missing princess, Mogla. After debating their next course of action, the four of them bore witness to their old friend Axle mercilessly murder a man in the open streets, and declare the city under the control of a group called The Pack. Really wanting to get out of dodge at that point, party set themselves to taking the city’s magic underground transit system in order to travel to an inn called The Dragon’s Dungeon, where they could find cheap lodgings and a job board for adventurers.

Watch The Dungeon Folks: Session 2 “Gooey Green Hell” from tyfofficial on

At the Dragon’s Dungeon, they encountered Alexandrus, a human cleric down on his luck, trying to scrape by and fulfill a fool’s errand given to him by his church. Alexandrus realized he couldn’t get his job done or pay for his room by himself, and the rest of the party realized they were in desperate need of someone with healing magic. So, our brave adventurers finally all came together. And it became time for them to get to work. So they set out and got ambushed by a gang of ruffians called The Goblin Boys. So after that they ashamedly made their way back to the inn to lick their wounds. But in doing so, they decided upon their next course of action: delve into the Undercity and do a job for a drow matriarch called The Queen to get the most coveted treasure of all: free subway passes for life.

Watch The Dungeon Folks: Session 3 “The Merits of Murder” from tyfofficial on



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