What The D-Pad – a new Video Games Podcast!

It’s been a long time coming, but I’ve finally gotten back into podcasting upkeep, and have made one for The Young Folks’ video games section that I have made the biggest mistake of titling “What The D-PAD.” the official Video Game centered podcast on TheYoungFolks.com, sponsored by GamingFrog App.

I plan for this podcast to be an opportunity to take a deeper look at news in the video games industry every week as well as to bring personal feelings on design and ethics in the industry to the table.

What The D-PAD, which will broadcast live and then be released on YouTube, iTunes, Google Play and Soundcloud, will often feature game play of some of the titles we’ve had the most fun with recently and will feature anywhere from two to 5 members of the TYF staff and/or contributor community. This is the first episode, and if you have any suggestions, requests for topics or questions to ask, bring them forward, we’d love nothing more!

*PLEASE BE FOREWARNED , The first 5 minutes of the original recording are devilishly loud. The Audio versions have been properly doctored* 


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