Awesome Accessories That Every Gamer Needs

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Gaming has quite literally become a huge part of many players’ lives. Their daily routine often includes a number of hours spent online in their virtual worlds shooting, jumping and racing their way through these specially generated environments. And for those gamers looking to completely pimp out their gaming lair that have the money to invest there are plenty of incredible accessories out there that will take your gaming experience to another level.


The Emperor 200 is a gaming chair like none other. Sure it’ll certainly leave quite the hole in your bank account as it comes with a hefty $40,000 price tag but quite frankly if you’re serious about gaming then this white beast will not look out of place in your gaming room. The chair is hand built directly to your specifications and looks like it could be a prop from an Alien movie. It’s a striking and vastly luxurious gaming accessory and comes complete with a touch screen control center, an integrated Playstation and Apple docking station, a Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 Web camera, an electric powered leather seat, an air filtering system and up to 3 x 27″ LED screens.


The popularity and interest in online casino-based games has surged in recent years and operators like bet365 roulette are enjoying huge numbers of new online players and patrons. For dedicated gamers there is one must have weapon in their repertoire and its PokerControls which offers a particularly useful accessory that will help you to take full control of your online gaming experience. It can help you increase your bet speed and accuracy and to play more efficiently. What’s more is that is enables you to play on multiple tables and switch between the action in quick time.



These high quality and luxurious racing simulators are a must-have for any gaming fans if they just so happen to have the money and the room for one. The VRX Racing Simulator puts you firmly in the driving seat in this incredible setup which allows you to fully immerse yourself into your favorite racing games and take to the track. For the princely sum of around $24,999 you can pick yourself up a fully loaded simulator that will include a trio of different 37″ televisions, a vibration amplifier, surround sound, a Microsoft steering wheel and even your very own refrigerator so you can cool down with a chilled beer for those brief moments when you aren’t frantically racing around your virtual environment.


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