Connor’s Movie Review: The Purge

Imagine an America where crime is nearly extinct. An America where the economy is flourishing, and poverty is almost entirely extinguished. An America where, once a year, the law (with few exceptions) is lifted for the 12-hour period of 7pm-…

Top 10 Dystopian Novels To Put On Your “To-Read” List

It’s no secret that dystopia is taking over the Young Adult literature world. Dystopian novels are popular for a number of reasons. One factor overlooked is that teens aren’t daft, they know all governments have problems and weak spots, which makes…

Book News: Veronica Roth’s ‘Allegiant’ Cover Reveal

The cover for Allegiant is here! Just take a moment to bask in its glory… The long-awaited reveal took place on this morning’s Today Show. Author Veronica Roth sat down with Ryan Seacrest to talk about the Divergent trilogy, the…

TV Recap: Awkward. 3×05: “Indecent Exposure”

Previouslies: Kevin had an aneurysm and decided to call Matty’s parents to tell them their kids were having sex! Jenna and Matty are covered on the contraception front! On a more serious note, Matty disagrees with his mother’s judgmental, rude…

Mad Men: 6×01-02 “The Doorway” Recap

“Midway in our life’s journey, I went astray from the straight road and woke to find myself alone in a dark wood.” Don starts this season by reading Dante’s Inferno, which will more than likely set the mood for the…

Top 10: Songs Used In A Baz Luhrmann Film

Baz Luhrmann’s ‘The Great Gatsby’ film adaptation is just around the corner, and what better way to prepare for it than by revisiting some tunes from his past films. Luhrmann is not only known for directing amazingly-visual films with over-the-top…

Soho International Film Festival Shorts Round Up

Year after year, festivals have come to show the love of film making people have, bringing together not only filmmakers to showcase their talent, but also moviegoers to enjoy these works of art. The Soho International Film Festival does just…