Harlots Season 2 Premiere Review: Get ready, because the girls are definitely back in town

Harlots was always a show with quite a bit on its mind. Call it a byproduct of its subject matter, which happens to be about prostitutes in 1763 London, a time when one in five women made their living that…

Harlots 1×6 Review

A story about prostitutes has many traps to avoid. But the Hulu series Harlots does it in a way that defies all expectations. This is not a story that portrays them as angelic victims, who sing of past hopes as…

Under the Silver Lake Movie Review: Andrew Garfield holds strong in messy neo-noir mystery

As a form of flattery, homages are even trickier to execute than imitations. Writer-director-producer David Robert Mitchell, who revolutionized the modern horror genre with his 2014 feature It Follows, was ambitious to the point of rashness with his neo-noir mystery…

Tamara Drewe: One of the Best, Most Underrated Graphic Novel Adaptations You’ve Never Heard Of

In 2010, comic book movies were already big, but it would be two years before the first Avengers movie would hit theaters and they became an unstoppable force. So it was an ideal time for Tamara Drewe, a movie that…